Chapter Sixteen

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By the time the comet was passing overhead, we were about halfway to the Fire Nation. I stared at the sky in wonder as it changed from a pretty blue to a chilling red.

"Zuko," Katara said, "don't worry. We can take Azula."

I took my eyes off of the foreboding sky to listen.

"I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Aang," Zuko confessed. "What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? What if he loses?"

Katara narrowed her eyes, but it wasn't accusing. "Aang won't lose. He's going to come back." The waterbender turned her gaze back to the open air in front of us. "He has to."

The rest of the trip was silent.


When we reached the outskirts of the Fire Nation, about a half mile from civilization, we landed.

"Are you going to be okay?" Katara asked, pulling me into a hug.

"Of course I will," I assured. "I'm just talking to the people. It's you who needs to be careful. I won't be there to watch out for you."

She smiled as she pulled away. "I'm not a kid, Sam. I don't need someone to take care of me."

"Just watch out for yourself," I begged. "Promise?"

Katara nodded. "Promise."

I pulled her into one last hug, before she went back to Appa.

I turned to Zuko, who had yet to make any indication of me leaving. He was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed, and he looked... peeved. Since it didn't look like he was going to make a move, I stepped forwards.

"Watch out for her, please?" I asked. "You guys... you're all I have in this world. And, please, Zuko, be careful. Don't do anything stupid, okay? I mean... just, be smart about what you do, and-"

His warm hands cupped my cheek, and I gave up trying to speak as his lips crashed onto mine. My hands clutched onto his wrists like a lifeline, and I kissed back just as eagerly. All too soon, he pulled away, but I kept my eyes closed, trying to file the memory away into my mind.

"Sam, whatever happens," he started, "if I don't make it back-"

"Don't say that," I whispered, finally opening my eyes to see his. "You will come back. We'll have tea, in Iroh's shop. And... and you said you would take me back to Ember Island, right? Once this war is over, you said we'd make a date of it."

Silently, Zuko nodded. "Of course."

I kissed him again, much softer this time, and started to walk away, towards the village.

His hand caught mine, and I turned back.

"You be careful, too," he said. "I... I love you, Sam."

A smile spread across my face, and I squeezed his hand. "I love you, too."

Another squeeze, and he let me go.

Before I could stop myself, I turned towards the village and began walking.

I would play my part, and the others would play theirs; we'd be drinking tea at the Jasmine Dragon in no time.


I kept my hood up until I reached the center of the town. I received some odd looks, and some of the guards were trailing behind me, but I ignored it all.

The middle of the village was were all the shops were set up. A giant fountain stood on a raised platform, sparkling in the red light, the water that ran down the layers looking like liquid fire. It was evening, and it seemed as though everyone had gathered to watch the comet.

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