Chapter Fourteen

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/////Sam's POV\\\\\

Sitting on the porch of the house, Sokka, Sukki, Toph and I watched Zuko and Aang train. I pulled my hair out of its ponytail, ignoring the massive bump that more than likely creased my head. I was sweating from my own training session with Katara and Zuko. They thought it was a good idea to push my abilities further, and bend both elements at the same time.

I was mentally and physically exhausted, and I honestly never wanted to do that again.

"More ferocious," Zuko demanded. "Imagine striking through your openants heart." I winced at his words.

Zuko was a wonderful teacher, and Aang really excelled at fire bending, but Zuko's... examples... weren't the best.

Aang growled. "I'm trying."

Zuko ignored him. "Now let me hear you roar like a tigerdillo!"

While Aang gave a weak and feeble roar, I leaned towards Sukki. "What the heck is a tigerdillo?"

"Big cat, tough shell thingy," Sokka answered instead.

I glared. "You know, I asked Sukki because she actually explains things. Is it just a tiger and armidillo combined? Like a liger or tigon or something?"

"What's a tigon?" Sokka asked the same time Sukkie asked, "What's a liger?"

"Nevermind," I sighed, partly because it was confusing for all of us, and partly because I wasn't quite sure myself. The words just kind of popped out.

Aang gave another, mightier roar, and flames flew into the air. Momo ran to hide behind Zukos legs, who nodded in approval.

Katara came out of the house then, with a tray in hand. "What wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?"

"Ooh!" Aang gasped, spinning around. "Me, me, me!" He started running, but Zuko grabbed him by the collar.

"Hey, your lessons not over yet," Zuko told him. "Get back here!" The monks feet didn't touch the ground as Zuko held him by the scruff, and I giggled.

"Come on, Zuko," Sukki sighed. "Just take a break. What's the big deal?"

"Fine," Zuko sighed, letting Aang go, and crossing his arms. "If you want to lounge around like a bunch of snail-sloths all day, then go ahead." He started walking away before I could ask what a snail-sloth was.

"Maybe Zuko's right," Sokka said, sitting up. "Sitting around the house has made us pretty lazy. I know just the thing to change that..." He stood up, ripping off his shirt to reveal his bathing suit. "Beach party!"

The idea of the ocean made me uneasy, and I thought about going after Zuko to make him come with me, but the others managed to make me come anyway.

Fifteen minutes later, I found myself dressed in a similar swim suit to the one I wore on my first trip to Ember Island, and I lay out on the sand next to Sukki. Katara was surfing, Aang was making a sand sculpture, and Sokka was making... something. Toph stood off to the side, testing different stances, and I saw the sand shift with each movement the earth bender made.

When Aang showed off his replica of Appa, Toph stomped her feet, and a perfect scale model of Be Sing Se appeared in the sand.

"Try and top that, Sokka," Toph challenged, and after adding a few finishing touches, Sokka spun around.

"Ta-da!" he cheered, showing off his creation.

"Is that a... blubbering blob monster?" Aang asked, and I wasn't sure if it was a real thing or not, but it certainly fit the description.

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