Chapter 15

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The following evenings the crow landed on the windowsill like before as Bonnie finished her studying and went to sit by the open window. He loved to nestle in her cupped hands, enjoying the feeling of her fingers caressing him, though sometimes he went to sit upon her shoulder as she leaned against the window frame, making that alluring, purring sound whenever she lifted her hand to stroke his smooth, bluish black feathers.

Dusk once again had become the witch's favourite time of day.

Elena hadn't failed to see that Bonnie seemed to be finally recovering from the deep depression after her grandmother's death. The numbness had retreated, making way for the real, lively Bonnie to return. Elena felt grateful that Sheila's grimoire had such a positive effect on her granddaughter, often finding herself astonished at the spells the young witch had learned. Her powers were growing rapidly.

The only thing that worried her, was the fact that lately a black crow was often seen in Bonnie's vicinity. Elena had noticed the bird watching her on several occasions, only to fly away when she or Stefan inconspicuously shooed him, the last often with a hard stare. Her friend didn't seem to notice the black bird following her though, so Elena kept quiet about it as to not burden her.

The next Wednesday however, Elena had said goodbye to Bonnie and walked toward her SUV, when she saw the crow openly sitting on the roof of Bonnie's Prius. Her eyes widened and her gaze flashed toward Bonnie, whom, to her dismay, had seen the bird as well and let out a surprised gasp. Elena waited for Bonnie to shoo the crow, but to her utter astonishment, her friend lifted her hand and let the crow hop onto it, smiling as she even petted the bird.

For a moment, Elena wondered in bewilderment if Bonnie knew, as she watched Damon cock his head and croak softly at the witch. She took a few steps forward, when Damon saw her and with a slight ruffling of his feathers took off.

"You know, with you being a witch and all, I thought you'd be more careful around crows."

Bonnie turned around in surprise at hearing Elena's voice behind her. The initial joy of suddenly seeing her crow waiting for her on her car, had changed into disappointed when he unexpectedly flew away and now she met with a gaze she could only describe as disapproval. She didn't like it.

Bonnie frowned. "Were you watching me?"

"That's not the point, Bonnie," Elena replied, narrowing her eyes. "It seems that you're quite familiar with that crow and I strongly advise you to keep your distance from him."

Bonnie's eyes widened in disbelief, "You did not just tell me to stay away from a bird. You talk about it as if it's a person."

Elena turned a little red under her apparent sarcasm. "Look, I'm only saying this for your own good. I don't want you to get hurt even more after what happened..." To her surprise her voice sounded insincere to her own ears.

A pained expression for a moment passed over Bonnie's features, and then she shook her head. "All this isn't making any sense to me, but to me it sounds awfully like you are jealous, Elena. Jealous at the attention a crow is giving me."

The colour on Elena's cheeks brightened. "Oh, you think I am? Well, maybe you should know that..."

Her words were cut off, when her gaze crossed Stefan suddenly standing next to her SUV, staring at her with an intense expression on his face. Her eyes widened.

"I have to go," she said hastily and before Bonnie could comprehend her strange behaviour, Elena had already turned around and headed for her own car.

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