Chapter 24

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The next day he'd planned on returning to her window as a crow, but when he'd noticed her sitting on the front lawn, he'd decided on impulse not to land on the branch with the view of her bedroom window, like he'd done before, but walk up to her in his human… well, vampire form, suddenly wanting her to get to know him, to smile up at the person he truly was. The memory of their kiss still burned on his lips. It had made him follow her to her grandmother's house the day afterwards.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, looking at the door with a troubled gaze. For once, he was at a loss for words, other than a sincere apology.

Bonnie froze. Here she was and in the moment of her greatest despair he’d apologized. He had actually apologized.

As a rule, Damon Salvatore didn't apologize to anyone, since apparently he didn't do regret either. But now she heard the words fall from his lips in a low tone and it felt sincere. She was suddenly reminded of the way the crow would softly croak, before sitting down in her cupped hands and looking at her with its head cocked. Her breath hitched as she stared up at him and the pieces of the puzzle finally came together.

The black feathered animal she'd grown attached to had been revealed to be the one person she used to hate, but when she looked into Damon's ice blue eyes, she recognized the proud but affectionate bird in him, watching her intently.

Tears she had managed to bite back now freely started to flow down her cheeks and she bowed her head. "Was it real? Oh God, tell me that it was real," she choked with a raspy voice.

Damon looked down on Bonnie's bowed head, her face hidden by black curls. "It is real," he said softly. "There's a reason that the crow kept coming back, Bonnie."

Her breath hitched at his words, she wanted to believe more than anything in the world but for obvious reasons she hesitated. On impulse, Damon reached out and closed his arms around her. She froze at his sudden action, then lifted her hands to his chest and her small hands grabbed a hold onto his sweater. Her fingers dug into the skin underneath as she seemed to struggle between the hurt demanding her to pull away, and the longing to stay in his arms. The air around them began to tremble from the witch's fierce emotions.

As slight fear for her powers crept into his heart, Damon withstood the pain her surprisingly strong hands caused him and he knew that, though it would sadden him, he would let her go if she wanted to.

Bonnie then seemed to notice the force field building around them and trying to control herself she held her breath and closed her eyes. For a moment they remained motionless, before Damon felt her magical hold on them loosen. Hesitantly, he put his hand on her head and laced his fingers through her smooth curls. "You piece of..." She whispered into his sweater with muffled voice.

Damon closed his eyes in regret, then drew back. With a speed imperceptibly to the human eye he reappeared before the window, ready to leave.


The word had left her lips before Bonnie knew it as she took a step forward. "Is... is this goodbye, then?"

Damon turned back slightly, a contemplating look on his face as he scrutinized her tense features, showing regret and resentment. "Only when you want to, Bonnie."

Bonnie's eyes widened and he knew she too remembered the moment in the carpark. She watched him as he remained on his spot near the window, waiting for her answer as he tried to keep his expression indifferent.

The vampire who had shared the same feelings of loss with her and in his crow form had helped her through the loss of her Grams. The vampire who now looked at her with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, wishing for his witch to accept his presence around her.

She knew it was too late to keep Damon Salvatore at a safe distance. She had already invited him in... and she didn't regret it.

A shaky but challenging smile broke through her tense expression. "Then I see you next evening."

His features lit up in a barely imperceptible way and he reached out to trail his finger along her soft cheek, before he took a few steps closer and pulled Bonnie in. Their faces merely inches separated, he admired the soft brown color of her eyes as she lost herself in the brilliant blue of his. He smiled.

"Thank you," he whispered, before leaning in and closing the last distance between them his lips captured hers in a passionate kiss, immediately deepening it when she slid her arms around his waist and pressed herself to him. As her hands entwined themselves into his messy hair, he pulled her more tightly against her and parted his lips, trailing his tongue over Bonnie's bottom lip, frowning when she granted him access. He sensed the blood pounding in her veins and the blood thirst flared up ferociously. When his thirst got the upper hand he drew back and tenderly kissed her closing eyes.

"See you then," he whispered, his eyes softening ever so slightly as he gave her a last, light peck on the lips.

Then he stepped back and suddenly changed into the now so familiar black crow. Her brilliant gaze followed him as he circled around her, then momentarily sat down on her shoulder, giving her earlobe an affectionate nibble, before he disappeared into the woods.

Bonnie smiled as she watched him go: her pet crow, her protector, her vampire, her possible love, to return to his witch as soon as possible, as the crow flies.

A/N: I'd just like to take a minute to thank everyone who has stuck by this story. I've received some great feedback and you've all helped me persevere with this. Every comment and every vote meant a great deal.

Thank you for reading,

the-battles-we-fight :) xxxx

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