Chapter 5

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"Why must we learn history? I mean, it's in the past. Aren't we supposed let go of the past and move forward?" Rosie groans as we make our way to history class. I laugh, "I'd rather stay in history all day than go to P.E, Lit, or Geometry." Rosie groans even louder, "That's right.. Today is Tuesday. P.E day. Ughhhh! Oh wait, I think we're going outside to the track today. Okay, that's better. On the track, you can either run or walk, but you can't stop." I nod and walk into history.

"Why is it so hot? Summer is over and this is Northern Cali, not Southern. It should be cooler, right?" Rosie complains using one hand to hold up her massive hair, and the other to fiddle with her grey P.E shorts. I'm to distracted by the practicing football team to reply. I spot Brice. #12
"Hey, are you listening to me?" Rosie asks following my stare. "Oooh.. Football players. Speaking of football players, what's up with you and Brice?" I twitch when I hear his name. "What? Nothing." I answer a little to quickly. Rosie shakes her mane and rolls her eyes, "I saw the way you looked at each other. He obviously likes you. And I think you kind of like him. That's why Leyla was being such a psycho yesterday."

I scoff, "Rosie, I couldn't hate the guy more. I mean, he's so conceited and rude and sarcastic and shallow." Now she laughs, "Mmhmm.. Sure." I playfully smack her arm. "Hey!" She shouts grabbing her arm. "Seriously though Faye. I think he likes you. I haven't seen Brice stare at someone like he stared at you. Just give him a chance to show you he's not a jerk all the time. You just might be surprised." I nod, considering all of her words. Does he like me? He can't like me. I'm so.. boring. Maybe I could give him a chance.. but what if he's just what he seems.

Those thoughts roamed around in my head for the rest of P.E. I make my way off the track and happen to look back at the players. Already staring back at me is Brice. He smirks, then waves. I half heartily wave back. He turns back towards the rest of the team, says something, and turns back around to look at me. Before I know what's happening, he's running off the field to me. "Hi Faye." He says breathing heavily. "Hey Mr. Football." That nickname makes him laugh.

"So, you're coming to the game on Friday right?" I stroke my chin as if I'm thinking deeply. "Eh. I think I'll stay home, eat ice cream and watch Teen Wolf." He smiles and pushes his sweaty hair back. "Please come. If you come I think we'll win. Be our good luck charm." He grabs my wrists and looks into my eyes, sending goosebumps all over me. "Don't think of it as coming for me, think of it as coming to cheer your school's team on." I swallow, hoping not to sound too nervous when I reply. I looks at me with big blue puppy dog eyes. I sigh and say, "Maybe. Okay? I'll see if I can reschedule my meeting with Scott and Stiles. I'm not making any promises though." He smiles, obviously satisfied. Dimples, oh dimples. "Good. I hope to see you there." With that, he releases me, and runs back to the field. Oh God. What is that boy doing to me?

"Hey, where were you? I though you came in with me but I looked over and you weren't there," Rosie says when she sees me enter the locker room. Should I tell her? Yeah, I think I will. Just not now, in a locker room filled with nosy girls. "I'll tell you later." I say, gesturing to the other 9 or 10 girls around us. She nods knowingly and continues with her business.

The rest of the school day rushes past. A few glance and small smiles from Brice, but nothing more. The bell rings and everyone bustles through the halls ready to go home. I stop at my locker and put my chem book away. Just as I go to leave, a familiar voice calls my name from down the hall. I turn to see Rosie running toward me. "Are you going to make me run the whole way? Ugh, fine." She finally gets to me, breathing heavily. I put my hands on my hips, "Was that necess-" She cuts me off by holding her hand up. Rosie stands in front of me breathing heavily for at least five minutes. "Rosie, what was all that for?" She sits up straight and stares at me serisouly with her round brown eyes, "Okay, so guess who's in my Spanish class." I raise my eyebrows and she gives me an irritated look, "Jax Taylor!" I purse lips, racking my brain for any memory of a Jax Taylor. Seeing how I'm still confused, Rosie continues, "He's on the football team! He's Brice's best friend. Okay? Anyways, he's in my Spanish class. Today he was sitting behind me, close enough to where I could hear his conversation.. I think you know where I'm going. So, I was half listening to Ms. Martinez, half listening to his conversion with some other guy."

"I didn't really care about what he was saying until.. wait for it.. I heard your name!" I gasp, "No!" She smirks, "Yes! I immediately stopped listening to Ms. M and went into full eaves dropping mode. I believe the conversation went like this, 'So did Brice ever talk to that new girl?'
'Faye? Yeah. The guy won't shut up about her. He won't pay attention to anything. You know he ran off the field during practice just to talk to her?' Then the other guy said something stupid like, 'Bros before Hoes' I almost turned to slap but I held that in and kept listening.

"Then Jax was like, 'Yeah Bro and she's being a total flake. One minute she seems like she likes him, then she's a little-' that's when I cut him off by telling Ms. M that they were being too loud and I couldn't concentrate!" I laugh although I'm totally freaking out on the inside. He does like me! I guess my inner panic attack can be seen from the outside because Rosie walks up to me and places her polished hands sweetly on my cheeks, "Are you okay? You don't look so good. You should be freaking out! Brice is totally crazy about you!" I force a smile, "That's good, right? Like, I should be ecstatic?" She releases my face, crosses her arms, and shakes her head like I'm the most hopelessly ignorant person she's ever known, "Faye, baby, do you realize how many girls would love to be in your place?"

"Yeah. And I'm happy to give up my spot to them."

"Oh come on. You know you like him. There might be something that you dislike about him but-"

"No, there are things that I HATE about the guy."

"Okay, fine. So he has flaws. So does everyone. Just, if he does try to talk to you, at least don't be so sarcastic. Oh! And don't roll your eyes as much."

"Rosie, what if I'm not good enough. I'm so... damaged. So not his type. Leyla, Leyla is his type." Rosie look at me with a sympathy I haven't seen in a while. A true sympathy. One that's being given by someone who fully understands.

"Faye, you ARE good enough. Don't even think you aren't."

I smile and hug her. Maybe she's right. I want to believe she is. What if I can't open up to Brice? Can I do this?
Guuuyysss! How was that chapter? How are you lovely humans liking this story so far? So random thing; I had a super weird dream about Daniel Lara (Damn Daniel) in which we were at an amusement park and he was too scared to ride the rides. He wouldn't ride them unless he had his blanket ?????? Like wattt ??

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