Chapter 9

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Yes, I know you want to laugh at that Mulan gif. And go ahead, but it's the only gif I could find to somewhat fit this chapter. Now stop laughing or judging and just read the chapter


"Mondays suck." I groan to Rosie.

"C'mon, they aren't that bad. I've never understood why everyone flipped out over Mondays. They are just like any other school day."

"Rosemary Grayson, are you saying you enjoy school?"

She scoffs, "Oh honey, don't make me laugh. I'm just saying it's silly to make a big deal out of Mondays. Get over it and move on, that's my motto."

"You seem to be in a good mood, oddly enough. Did something happen?"

"Well maybe, but nothing that compares to your Saturday night. I still believe that happened! Oh EverShaw."

I raise my eyebrows, "Did you seriously make us a ship name?"

In all seriousness she replies, "Oh yeah. And I'm thinking of making t-shirts."

I stare blankly at her, "You aren't serious, are you? Like, about the t-shirt thing?"

First, she just stays straight faced. Then she busts out laughing, "You should've seen your face! Oh my goodness that was great. But really, no t-shirts?"

"No, Rosie. No t-shirts. There are a few people I'd rather not boast about our relationship to."

She rolls her eyes, "By 'few people' you mean Leyla? Please, she's not going to say or do anything. She lost and there's nothing she can do about it."

"You know, I have a feeling she could think of a few things," I say remembering she set the old principal's car on fire.

"Hey Rosemary!" We hear the high shrill voice, and know exactly who it is.

"Speak of the devil herself," Rosie whispers to me before to turning around and embracing Leyla. I roll my eyes and put on a fake smile.

"So you go here now?" Rosie asks, pulling away from Leyla's hug. Leyla nods all matter of fact like. Jeez, who does she think she is?

"I can't wait to get back in the swing of things. Parties, dances, and football. Oh, and Brice. Finally I can get him." My whole body tenses up and my fingers start to tingle. I glance over at Rosie whose already looking at me. Leyla giggles, "What? Does he have a girlfriend or something? Because I can take care of another girl. I've done it before." Wait what. What does she mean by 'take care of'? Rosie clears her throat, "Actually he's with-"

"Me. He's with me, Leyla."

Anger flashes across her face so fast I might have imagined it. Then, she breaks out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh please! You're so funny! You?" More laughing. It's a sickening kind of laughing. The kind of laugh that makes you want to crawl out of your skin and die. What the hell is wrong with this chick? I can't believe her right now. I scoff, but before I can say anything, Brice walks up, "What's so funny? Did Rosie make of those terrible jokes again?" Oh no Brice. Leave. I don't want you here.

Leyla finally stops laughing. She links her arm in Brice's. Oh how dare she. I wonder if how angry I am can be seen on my face.

"Oh Leyla. Hey." Brice says awkwardly. He looks down at me giving a 'What am I supposed to do' look. I cross my arms and stare at the ground. Why doesn't he just say it? Is he embarrassed by me?

All these thoughts start to overwhelm me. My anxiety goes through the roof. I shouldn't be hurt or afraid like I am. I should be angry. This isn't the Brice that took me to The Point. This is the Brice I hated. I can't stand it anymore. Leyla all draped over him. Flirting. Him not saying a thing. Whatever. You know what? I'm done caring. We're not meant to be. He can have Leyla. They deserve each other.

I quickly walk away from the scene, Rosie close behind me.

"Are you okay?" She asks placing her hand on my shoulder. I brush her hand off, "Yeah I'm fine."

She grips my arm tightly, stopping me.

"Rosie, I'm fine."

She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes, "No you're not. I'm not either. I can't believe her. That little snake.." She sighs, changing her attitude, "Faye, it's okay to be mad and sad or whatever other emotion you might be feeling. You can even cry if you want. I'm here with my shoulder."

Breaking loose of her grip, I keep walking, "No. I can't be sad. We weren't even really together. It would so pathetic to cry over this. Over him."

Rosie sighs but doesn't say anything else. She's right. I would never say it out loud, but she is. I should be mad and I am, but I don't want to be. It's okay to cry and be sad, but I don't want to. I don't want to waste tears on this.


Soon, the final bell rings, and I finally go. Brice didn't try to talk to me at all at school. We'd lock eyes a few times, but he'd never say anything. It was so weird to see him like that. Sheepish and awkward. I'm trying to tell myself I don't care, but everytime he'd look at me, I'd remember that night at The Point. It was so perfect. It feels like a dream. Maybe it was.

"Hey Dad," I say tossing my bag on the floor in the kitchen.

"Hey muffin," he relies not looking up from the paperwork in front of him.

"Dad? Could we maybe talk?"

Now he looks up. This isn't the first time we've talked like this, but he seems like the words are foreign to him.

"Sure. What's up?"

I take a deep breath and tell him. I tell him about that night with Brice and how happy I was. I tell him about Leyla and how she's always kind of hated me. And I tell him about this morning. He listens, occasionally nodding. Once I'm finally done with my rants, I sigh.
He's silent for awhile, just staring at me, thinking.

"Faye, you know what your mom would say? Screw 'em. Screw Brice and Leyla. They aren't worth the tears and hurt. But you want to know what I say? Forgive. This Brice guy, whom I want to meet by the way, seems like he really likes you. I'm a guy so I know how that feels. Your mind kind of stops working. When Leyla flirts with him, he panics and doesn't know how to react. You said he's known as kind of a player, right?"

I nod.

"Okay well it seems like usually he would flirt back, but now he doesn't. You throw him off his game, you make him want to be different but he can't right away so he becomes all awkward, not knowing what to do. He likes you and it makes him nervous."

Is he right? I want him to be. I want everything he's saying to be true.

"And that Leyla chick, she's just jealous. That one is pretty obvious."

I can't help but smile at my dad. He doesn't get enough credit. After all he's been through, he still manages to make me feel better. I get up and hug him. I hug him for a long time. I needed this. And then again, he probably needed it too.

We pull apart and he smiles at me. I smile back. Then, his smile disappears, and that empty look over takes his face. "I wish you had your mom to talk to about these things," he says quietly.

I shake my head, "No. I miss Mom, so so much. But no one could've done that talk better. Thank you, Dad."

He squeezes me once more and gets ups. Glancing around the kitchen, then grabbing the car keys he says, "I think we should go out for dinner. Yes?"

I nod and smile. Then, thoughts of Brice pop into my head. I push them out immediately. No, not now. Brice can wait until tomorrow.


Heeeeyyy guuyyyss! Sorry this chapter sucked. Idk what happened but I just don't like this chapter. I think it's crappy. *sigh* well anyway thanks for reading it! Don't forget to vote and comment! Byyeee

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