Chapter 2

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Unpacking usually takes forever right? Wrong. My dad and I wanted our minds and bodies to be busy, so, the house was unpacked and ready to live in in about five hours. Well, every room but mine. I didn't mind. I wanted to unpack my room, organize my stuff, and get situated on my own time.

"Hey Faye?" My dad calls from the living room. "Yes?" I ask, sitting the hardwood floor of my bedroom, box of books sitting in front of me. "When did I say we're getting cable? Oh! And when are the people coming to pick up the moving van?" I laugh to myself and yell back, "Dad, you really need to start writing these things down!" I begin unloading my books onto my bookshelf. Once I'm done, I grab another box and cut it open. The first thing I see when I peer inside, is a framed picture of my mom and I. It's the picture we took on my sixteenth birthday. Gosh, she was so beautiful. Her black, beautiful, naturally curly hair framed her slim face perfectly. Her bright green eyes sparkled. We didn't look anything alike. My straight, blonde hair is down to my waist, and my grey eyes don't sparkle. Besides the blond hair, my dad and I don't look alike either. I remain staring down at the picture, wishing she were here. Why her? Why did she have to get taken away from me? Before I can stop them, tears begin to roll down my face. "Faye, I just ordered some pizza, did you-" He stops when he walks in and sees me. Now, I'm quietly sobbing, gripping the picture. He sits down and wraps his arms around me. "It's okay, everything is going to be okay." He coos, caressing my head. I sob harder into his soft t-shirt. I sit up and cry, "No, it's not! She's not here and I don't know what to do! I don't know who I really am! My real parents gave me up! If mom was here, she'd make it better. The whole world is messed up." I wipe my face but continue crying. Dad, now crying as well says, "Faye, honey, the women that gave birth to you, wanted you, but she was poor and your father was in prison. She knew she couldn't be a good mother, so she found someone who couldn't have children. Mom and I." He pauses to wipe his face too, then continues, "We loved you the moment we laid eyes on you. We promised your birth mother we'd watch over you forever and do anything to better you. You are our daughter. You are Faye Penelope Bradshaw. Just because you know now that your mom didn't birth you, doesn't mean you're any different than you have always been. And Mom would agree. You are the same. And Mom would want us to go on. Have faith, be brave, and smile." I smile through the tears and hug my father. Long, and hard.

Dad ordered pizza, so once it came we each got a few slices and plopped down on the couch. "School starts tomorrow. Did you want to use the car?" I chew and swallow a bite of pizza then ask, "Don't you want to keep it?" He considers my question, then replies, "Nope. Take it."
"Dad, it's really okay, I can walk. It's only a few minutes from here." He takes a bite of pizza and shakes his head. "Just take it. I don't plan on going anywhere," he says with his mouth full. I finally just say sure and finish my food. "Hey, it's eight thirty and I'm pooped, I think I'm going to hit the sack," I tell my dad, walking back into the living room after changing into my pjs. He nods and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight Muffin. Sleep well."

Beep.. Beep beep..Beep..
I open my eyes and glare at my alarm clock.
I slam my hand down on it to shut it up. "Uugghh.." I groan as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. I slowly get out of bed to open the curtains. The faint early morning light fills my room. I glace over at the clothes I laid out, second guessing if that's what I want to wear. First day of junior year, I need to look good. A vintage tee, high-waisted shorts, my favorite blue and grey flannel, and my worm, white, high top Converse. I sigh and decide that's good enough. I jump in the shower and wash quickly. Then, I get out and throw my clothes on. I walk into the bathroom and try and decide what to do with my hair. "Is it too late to curl it?" I ask myself. I stick my head out of the bathroom and look at the clock.
Hm, school doesn't start until seven thirty, but I want to get there a little early. Yeah, I have time. I curl my hair, and throw some makeup on.
I need to leave. I run down to hall with my bag to find my dad sitting at the table. "Dad, where are the keys?" I ask, frantically searching the counters. "Over there. No, not there. Over by the coffee maker. Yeah. There you go." I breath a sigh of relief and kiss his cheek. "I gotta go! Bye! Love you." He waves and yells, "Love you too! Have a good day. Make sure you learn a thing or two!" I laugh and rush outside to the car.

Ring.. Ring..
"Crap!" I say to myself as I pull into a parking spot. "Of course I'll get here just as the bell is ringing." Sighing, I throw the keys in my bag, and hop out of the car. "This is going to be a long day."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to leave comments! Faye meets a guy in the next chapter 😏 it will be coming soon! <3

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