Chapter 4

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"So, where are you from?" Rosie asks, taking a sip of coffee. I finish chewing, swallow my food, then answer, "San Diego." She nods as if she knew that I was going to say that. "What?" I ask curiously. "You just look so.. San Diego-y. Tall, blonde, a little on the curvy side but still slim. The kind of chick guys love. You're just the kind of girl I would despise. No offence though. Of course I don't despise you."

I laugh, "Oh come on. I may look like this," I gesture to my body, "but guys don't even glance at me." I sigh, "Unless they're hitting me with a football." She looks at me confused and says, "Should I ask?" I scratch my head and tuck my hair behind my ears. I go to tell her the story, but I'm cut off by a high pitched voice, "Rosemary!" Rosie and I both look up to see a tall girl with short black hair.

"Oh my gosh, hi!" Rosie exclaims. She says it very happily, but I can tell she's a bit uncomfortable. She stands and hugs the girl. "I'm so happy to see you!" The girl beams. "Yeah, we haven't seen each other in forever!" Rosie says. The girl, just noticing me says, "Who's this?" Rosie looks down at me. "Oh, that's Faye. She just moved here. Faye, this is Leyla Beck. We went to middle school together, then she got sent off to a boarding school in Georgia." I smile and shake Leyla's hand. "Boarding school?" Leyla rolls her eyes and plops down into our booth, making herself comfortable. "Oh God I don't even want to talk about that crap hole. I can't believe my parents sent me there."

Once sitting next to Leyla, Rosie tells me, "She set our principal's car on fire." I laugh completely unsurprised. That definitely seems like something she'd do. Leyla smirks, "Some of my best work I'd say." I silently finish my BLT as Rosie and Leyla chat away. It seems I've been completely forgotten. Oh well.

I gather my things and go to get up. "Oh my God," I hear Leyla whisper. I look over at her and see she's looking past me. I follow her gaze and my eyes land on none other than, Brice. If I stand up and leave, he'll see me. I'll just sit here, until I'm sure I can make a break for the door unseen.

I sigh and sit back down.
"Is that Brice Everly?" Leyla asks wide eyed. Rosie clears her throat, "Yep. The quarterback himself." I roll my eyes. Of course he's the quarterback. I should have known.
"Man, he's just as gorgeous as I remember, if not more." Leyla states with a smirk. Then, before I have a chance to prepare myself, Leyla calls him over, "Hey Brice! Come over here!" I begin to panic. Why you ask? I don't know. I slump down into the booth as I hear him walk up.

"Is that the famous arson, Leyla Beck I see?" He playfully asks arriving at our table. Leyla laughs one of those "I think you're hot so I'm trying to be cute" laughs. Absolutely sickening. "In the flesh," she says. He smiles and replies, "You're parents finally let you out of that prison, huh? Man, I don't know what I would have done if my folks would have done that to me." Oh God. I'm sure you'd live. Spoiled little-

My thoughts are abruptly interrupted by Brice. "Hey, didn't we meet this morning?" He's now sitting next to me. How nice. "Unfortunately." I say with an eye roll. He smirks and says, "I don't believe I ever had the pleasure of getting your name. What is it?"

"Faye! Her- her name is Faye" Rosie says winking at me. I raise my eyebrows at her. I look back at Brice who's still starting at me, smirking like he's going to kill me. Or worse, kiss me! Although I really don't want to, I can't help but stare into his deep blue eyes. So beautiful, the kind you could get completely lost in and not mind at all.

"Um, hello? Earth to Brice and Faye." I snap out of my daze and quickly realize Brice and I have been staring at each other. I move away from Brice and look at Rosie whose eyebrows are raised. God what is wrong with me? I shouldn't be acting like this. Brice is a loser whom I do not like.

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