Chapter 8

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Faye's POV

"I'm so sorry about your mom."

Usually, this statement irritates me because I can hear the fake sympathy. But the way Brice says it makes me feel like he knows how I'm feeling.

"My mom has cancer."

My heart stops.

"She- she does?" I can barely make any words out. I can't believe it.

He looks down at his shoes and sighs, "For the second time." How can he be so casual? I gently place my shaking hand on his shoulder. He looks me in the eyes and smiles. I do my best to smile, but I can't fight the hurt I feel for him. To see his mother slowly dying. And for the second time!

"I'm sorry too." I say quietly.

"Thanks. People always tell me that without me, she'd be gone already. But I think she's stronger than me. The way she fights and doesn't let anything get her down. Even this. She's just so positive. I'm not like that. I can't just say everything will be okay. It's hard."

"I know what you mean. I'm trying to be strong. For my dad. He needs me. I think if I weren't here, he'd be so broken. He says I'm his moon."

"His moon?"

"Yeah. He says I brighten his darkness."

He laughs.

"What?" I ask, sort of offended.

"It's just, my dad is so far from being at all affectionate. The last time he hugged me or told me he loved me I think when I was like, 10. It's like he doesn't even want to be our father. Benson, my little brother, barely knows him. I've had to be that father figure. I take him to all of his baseball practices and games, I give him girl advise, I do basically everything my dad should be doing."

I bet that's extremely hard for him. Plus, he has school, football, and working at Lottie's. I guess it's a little easier to understand why he has acted the way he has. He must be under so much stress.

I can't think of anything to say, so I grab Brice's shoulders so he's facing me. He gives me a puzzled look.

"Brice, I know it's probably super hard for you. With your mom being sick and your dad being a flake, but look at it this way; Without you, Benson wouldn't be the way he is. Without you, your mom's shop wouldn't be the way it is. All of the little sacrifices you've made, are beyond worth it." He half smiles at me. I decide it's a good time to quote my mom, "You are willing, and you are able. You can, and you will."

"Who said that?"

I smile, "My mom, actually."

I let go of his shoulders and look down at the ground. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him.

"Faye, your mom would be so proud of you and how strong you're being."

He moves his hand so he's cupping my cheek, I place my hand on his.

I find myself letting my eyes wander to his lips. Then, I realize, he's doing the same thing.






"Brice! Where were you? I've been looking everywhere!" Again, we're interrupted just before our lips meet. Brice sighs, let's go of my face, and turns to see his little brother all dressed in his baseball uniform.

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