Chapter 11

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Faye's POV

I hear the creaking of the ladder, meaning Brice is getting closer and closer. Part of me is happy he's here, the other part of me wishes he'd fall off the ladder.

As he gets closer, I go over all the things I want to say to him. But as soon as his 6'2 frame stumbles into the treehouse, my mind goes blank.

"What do you want?" Is all I manage to come up with.

"Faye, look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every stupid thing I've said and done since I've met you. You have no idea how nervous you make me. I don't know how to act. This morning I realized that I might already be losing you, and I barely just got you. Please, let me show you that I can be better. Come to homecoming with me."

I stare blankly at him. What am I supposed to say to that?

"I'm assuming this awkward silence is a good sign." He says, and Rosie laughs at his sarcasm.

"Faye, if you don't say yes, I will."

Brice chuckles, but doesn't take his ocean eyes off me.

I sigh, "Fine. I guess I'll go with you."

"Yes!" Brice shouts.

"But listen here Everly, one more stupid thing that makes me want to punch you, and no more chances."

He smiles, "Anything for you, sweetheart."

I look over at Rosie who's grinning at me like the cheshire cat. "Rosie, stop. You're freaking me out."

"I'm just so happy for you guys! Brice, you have no idea how much I've hyped you up to Faye. I'm like you're wing man! Well, girl."

"Oh Rosie, what would we do without you?" I say rolling my eyes.

She punches me in the arm, "Hey! You know you love me."

Bruce and I look at each other, then having the same thought, we move toward Rosie and hug her.

"Oh my God, you guys are suffocating me!"

"Just accept it. Just let it happen." Brice coos. Rosie hugs once then pushes us off.

"Awww," Brice and I groan in unison.

"You guys are ridiculous," she says.


"Ladies, I really think we should go back to school," Brice says jumping off the last step of the ladder.

I raise my eyebrows at him, "You don't really strike me as someone who follows the rules often."

"I have to or else they'll kick me off the team."

"Oh right. You're Mr. Quarterback."

Rosie sighs and leans up against Brice, "She just doesn't get how important football is."

"We're going to have to change that Bradshaw," Brice smirks.

"Oh yeah? How so?"

Rosie and Brice exchange looks.

"The Falls," they say.

"What's that?" Maybe asking is a bad idea.

Leyla's POV

"Where is he?" I question Jax.


"You idiot, who else would I be talking about? Brice!"

"Hey, Leyla, you need to chill."

I put my hand on my hip and raise my right eyebrow.

Jax sighs, "He left."


"Yeah, he went to find Rosie and Faye."

He went to find that little-

"But you can't tell anyone he purposely skipped. He'll get kicked off the team."

"Oh no of course not." I couldn't do that to Brice, but maybe I could mess things up for Faye...


Faye's POV

"What does making me stand under an ice-cold waterfall have to do with football?"

"In football, we have to practice in the extreme heat and in the cold miserable rain. We have to work out until we can't move, still are pressured to keep out grades up, stay out of trouble, have fun and win games."

"Okay I get, it's hard but this waterfall doesn't make sense. Don't you guys take ice baths to help with your muscles or something?"


"Wait, what?"

"You're going to run in place for five minutes, then stand under the waterfall for five minutes."

I laugh, assuming they're joking.

"Faye, we're serious," Rosie says completely straight faced.

"But, this is basically torture." I say putting both my hands on my hips.

"This will give you an idea of what we have to go through. Maybe now you'll be more appreciative."

"Brice, pretty please don't make me do this." I say batting my eyelashes. It seems to work a little bit. His face softens a bit and walks towards me.

"Brice don't be a softy," Rosie tells him. He ignores her and puts his hands on my shoulders, "Faye, it has to be done."


Leyla's POV

"Ms. McCall, they need you in the lunchroom." I tell the old lady at the desk. She walks out, and I immediately go to work looking for Faye's contact info. I wonder how her parents will react to her skipping school...

It doesn't take me long, I find her file and call the number listed under, "Parent"

"Mr. Bradshaw?"

"Yes?" He asks, sounding concerned.

"This is Cliffspoint High, we're calling to confirm Faye's absence."

"Absence? She should be there. She's not?"

"Um, no Sir. It seems as though she may have ditched." I bite lip, trying to contain my laughter.

He sighs, "Okay, thank you."

Then the line goes dead. Thank God it ended there.

"Ms. Beck, please get to your classes now." Ms. McCall says sternly entering the room again.

"Yes ma'am." I hurry to pick up my backpack, and stride out of the room, grinning ear to ear.


Faye's POV

Before we knew what was going on, the "help Faye appreciate football" torture, had erupted into a full on water fight.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Brice fill an empty water bottle up. I quickly jump behind a tree.

"Come out come out wherever you are... Faye, you do realize I can see you, right?"

"Crap," I mutter.

I look around the tree, but I don't see Brice. Just as I go to turn back around, cold water splashes onto my head. Brice laughs loudly, "You thought you could hide from?"

I roll my eyes and shake my wet hair at him.

"Hey Faye, your phone is ringing." Rosie yells from the other side of the Falls, near the treehouse.

I run as quickly as I can back to treehouse. It stops ringing just as I arrive at the top of the ladder.

After wiping my hands on the jacket Brice left up here, I pick up my phone and my stomach drops.

5 missed calls from Dad.


I seriously hate this chapter so much. They'll get better, I swear..

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