Chapter 6

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The week comes and goes quickly. Before I know it, it's Friday. The day of the big game.

"Okay, the game starts at six, right? So I was thinking I'll come over around four and we can get ready together. Do you know what you're going to wear?"

I resist the urge to laugh at Rosie's serious face. "Hm.. Yes, that's fine, and I have no clue. I don't get why everyone is so worked up about this. It's just a football game."

She stops walking and turns to face me, "One: how can you not know what you're wearing?! And two: Faye, it's way more than just a football game. There are two things this town takes pride in: The surf contest in the Summer, and football in the Fall. It's a big deal. And tonight is the first game of the season. Plus, we're playing the team we lost to last year. If we would have beat them, that would have made us State Champions. Everybody thinks this year we have a chance to win our title back."

By this time we've continued walking and I have come to conclusion that this whole town needs a life.

"Well, here's my stop." I say as we arrive at my Art class. Rosie sighs and hugs me, "Okay, well you have fun finger painting and what not. I'll see you later." I giggle at her remark, "Alright. I'll be sure to paint you a pretty sunset!" She laughs, then walks off to her class.
"Okay let's see what you have here." Rosie exclaims flinging open my closet doors." She fiddles around in there for about ten minutes before coming out with a complete outfit: my navy blue v-neck t shirt, a black, grey and white flannel, my favorite light wash denim boyfriend jeans, and white low top Converse. She lays the outfit neatly on my bed and smiles satisfied. "Perfect. Now, your hair." She strides over to me and begins playing with my tangled hair. I didn't do much with it this morning. I showered last night so when I woke I just brushed through it. I move away from her, placing my hands on my hips, "What about you? Shouldn't you be getting ready?" I ask examining her grey long sleeved t-shirt dress, and wild mane. "Oh please. All I have to do is freshen my makeup and throw on my blue ankle boots. We need to make you look like a true Cliffspoint Falcon." I roll my eyes and say, "Fine. Do what you want with me." Rosie squeals with excitement, "Okay okay. Get dressed, then meet me in the bathroom." I laugh at her enthusiasm.

As I finish getting dressed, my door opens to reveal my father, "Hey Muffin." I smile, "Hey Dad. Come on it." He graciously refuses my offer and explains he has to run over the station, so he'll be taking the car. "I should be home before you have to leave. I love you!" He shouts from the hall. I sigh and walk over to the bathroom door. I knock and from the inside Rosie says, "Come in." I push the door open and find Rosie painting black stripes on her cheeks, the way football players do.

"Does this look stupid?" She asks looking at her reflection, then at mine. "No, no. Not at all. I think I'll do it too actually." She smiles and finishes up her makeup.

Suddenly, a memory pops into my head. One of my mom. I was about 7 and I had the chicken pox. She and my dad had previous plans to go to some art gallery with my mother's friends. They were going to cancel because I was sick but I felt so guilty for making them home so I got into my mom's makeup and tried to cover my spots. She came in as I was doing it, and instead of getting mad she said, "Sweetheart, never try and change who you are. Even if it's just a few tiny dots that will go away. People will tell you that you aren't good enough, but you can't listen to them. And other times, you'll try and convince yourself you aren't good enough, but you have to push that voice aside and say, 'I can and I will. I am willing and I am able.' Be you. Always." I forgot about her words until now. And I sure am happy I remembered.

"Hey, are you okay?" Rosie asks snapping me back to reality.

"Oh, yeah. Um, my dad had to run to the station so he has the car. He said he'd be back before six though." She nods and takes one last look at her makeup before turning to me. "Okay sweet thang. Let's do this."
"Where is he? Didn't he say he'd be back before six?" Rosie asks pacing back and forth in my room.

"Yeah he did. I've tried calling him. He's not answering. What if there is something wrong?" I immediately imagine all of the horrible possibilities. I stop once my thoughts become to painfully gruesome.

"That's it. I'm calling Leyla." Rosie exclaims whipping out her phone. I groan and lie back on my bed, my shape sort of resembling a starfish. "Whyyy??"

"Because the game started twenty minutes ago and we need a ride."


"No buts. I'm calling her."

I roll my eyes and happen to look down at my phone. Text from dad. "My dad texted!"

Rosie turns around, phone to her ear and gives me a thumbs up. I quickly open the text.

Hey Muffin. I'm so sorry, but I had to stay later than I thought. Please forgive me. Do you have someone else who could give you guys a ride?

I reply,

Hey Dad. It's okay. I understand. Take as such time as you need. And yes, Rosie's friend Leyla is coming to pick us up.

An almost immediate response,

Okay. Thanks babe. I wish I didn't have to, but we've got a kind of John Doe situation down here. I'm at the hospital. A man was found hit by a car but we have no idea who he is. No wallet, no phone, no record. I'll probably be home when you get home from the game, but if I'm not, you know why.

Wow. That's crazy. I type my response,

Oh woah. Okay. Well good luck! See you tonight. Love you!

Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get. Alrighty. Love you more!

I smile, and shut my phone screen off. Just then Rosie gets off the phone, "Alright. Leyla will be here soon. She was at the game. We're already loosing. You ready? We should probably go wait outside."

"But I don't like Leyla. She's psycho and she hates me," I whine. Rosie just rolls her eyes, grabs both of our bags, and drags me out to the driveway. It's only a few minutes until we see Leyla in her blue Porsche. Well, her dad's Porsche. Rosie waves as Leyla turns onto my driveway.

She rolls down the window and smiles, "Hey chicas. You guys ready? We need to hurry back. When I left we had regained the ball. Maybe we scored." Rosie gets in the front and and I get in the back. Of course.

We get to the field just as the other team is scoring a touchdown. "Well, that was short lived. C'mon. Let's go sit down." Leyla takes Rosie's arm, dragging her to the bleachers, leaving me standing next to the Porsche.
As I make my way to the bleachers, the ref calls halftime. The players make their way to their side, and the #12 jersey catches my eye. I watch as Brice jogs toward the bench. Even sweaty and tired he manages to look perfect. He happens to look up and see me watching him. He smiles and quickens his jog. He finally arrives at the fence at which I'm standing.

"You came." He beams, slightly out of breath.

"Yeah. I meant to come earlier but my dad had the car soo." I break off realizing he probably doesn't care.

"I'm just glad you made it. I'll be honest, I wasn't sure if you'd come." He pushes his sweaty hair back and looks down shyly.

I giggle at his shyness. It's not something I see often. "Did you doubt your persuading skills? That doesn't sounds like the Brice I know." Wait, am I flirting?

He laughs and looks up right into my eyes. Then, something comes over me, and I begin leaning in. Brice doesn't second guess anything and begins leaning in too....

"Everly! Get over here!" Before our lips meet, Coach Digger calls Brice over. I open my eyes and so does Brice. We pull away. My face burns and know for a fact my face is red. "I uh- I- He called-" He gawks awkwardly.

"Yeah- you go." I giggle. He smiles at me once more and runs back to the team. I stand there for a second, trying to comprehend everything.

I like Brice

He likes me.

We almost kissed.


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