6 | Lying

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Anakin hadn't realized he fell asleep until an odd dream entered his mind. It was a dream he hadn't had similar to in years.
It was a nightmare.

Rose was running down a platform that was just above the lava of Mustafar, panting for air. She whipped her head forward to look at whatever was happening, causing her to run faster.
"No!" She screamed. Sweat beaded down her skin as she ran, toward what was left unknown.

Anakin had jolted up from his bed, a swift gasp leaving his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut as he rolled his legs over the side of his bed, rubbing his temples.
Looking at his side, he noticed Rose wasn't sleeping where she was before. He stiffened before jumping onto his feet, hurrying down to the Veranda.

Fear erupted through his as he searched the apartment, only to sigh of relief once he spotted the female figure of the love of his life. She turned towards him, and her brow creased.
"Anakin?" She asked. "Why are you sweating?"
He didn't answer as she stepped forward, caressing his cheek. "What are you doing out here this late?"
"I couldn't sleep." She answered. "What's bothering you?"
"Nothing." He lied. "I was just wondering where you'd gone."

Rose knew he was lying, but she didn't want to overwhelm him. Instead, she smiled. "I'm right here."

Anakin inhaled as Rose wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his. Anakin closed his eyes and thought of the week before; when they were officially married.


Rose seated before Senator Amidala as she lifted her cup. The Senator was dressed in a rather casual attire. A long black dress with a black robe, her curly hair bouncing off of her shoulders.

"Rose?" Padmé asked, her tone in concern.
Rose blinked. "Yes?"
"I asked if you'd like to retire." She said, staring at her best servant. "Is something bothering you?"
Rose bit into her lip nervously as she folded her hands, straightening her posture. "No, Milady. I'm alright."

Padmé placed the cup on the marble table and sat back. "Rosaline. I know there is something that's under your skin. Talk to me, I may be able to help."
Rose sighed. Once Padmé used her full name, she knew she was out of luck in staying out of it. "I'm just worried."

"Anakin hasn't been himself." She confessed. "He's been so.. abnormal."
"Abnormal." Padmé said, obviously confused.

Rose stared at her. "He freaked out when he noticed that I wasn't in the room the other night... And he's been very quiet since."

Padmé instantly thought of back when Anakin's mother died, and how he had dreamt of it before. She felt her stomach twist into knots, but she just shrugged. "Perhaps it was nothing."

Padmé stood to her feet, and rubbed Rose's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. It will pass eventually."

Rose followed, standing up.

"I'm going to talk to Obi-Wan."

Anakin sat on the cushioned seat inside of the dark chamber, staring at the wall. The images that he seen in his nightmare circled his mind. The images of Rose panicking and running.
What was going to happen? And when?

Anakin felt that he couldn't tell Rose what was happening. He didn't want it to frighten her.

But what he knew was that he had to protect her from whatever it was, and the only person he could talk to who would understand his situation was the Senator of Naboo.

Standing, he looked out the window after pulling back the curtain, staring directly into the sky. The pink eerie sight seemed to calm him only slightly, and he turned to leave so he could go back to his wife.

Happy Easter everyone! Sorry I haven't updated, hope everyone had a great Easter!

- AdmiringReigns

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