8 | Breakdown

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I skipped the scene where Chancellor Palpatine tells Anakin about the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis, just because it was too much to write, sorry!

Anakin spotted Master Windu near the Council chamber as he stood along side of Yoda. The two turned to look at Anakin as he stopped before them, bowing.

"Master, I was wondering where Obi-Wan was." He said.
"Obi-Wan is about to leave to go to Utapau, where he will find a base of protection for our people." He explained.

Anakin nodded. "Thank you, Master."

He hurried down the long corridor before seeing Obi-Wan walking toward the stairs that would take him towards the decks.

"Master!" Anakin shouted, gaining his attention. Obi-Wan turned to him, smiling faintly.

"Anakin." He said. "I was just getting ready to - "
"Master Windu explained, I was just hoping to get a word with you." He answered.
"What is it?"

Anakin inhaled. "I've just recently heard that Rose has come to you for advice on certain things."
He sighed. "Anakin, I am not involved in your problems. It's best if you and Rose discuss them."

"I was just asking if you'd tell me what she had asked you."

He stared at his Padawan. "She's worried about you; so am I. Not only have you kept your distance, you've also become extremely close with the Chancellor."

"I know the Council doesn't trust him, but I do."
"I was afraid of that." He said. "Exactly why I haven't told you anything."

Anakin frowned to himself. "Master, I have been so selfish lately, forgive me."
Obi-Wan smiled. "Go back to Rose."

Anakin chuckled quietly. "Right."

As he turned to leave, Obi-Wan called out.

He turned around. "Yes, Master?"

"She truly loves you."
Anakin's face saddened. "I love her more than my own life, Master."


Rose hadn't slept in days; only able to comprehend how large the cloud of darkness that was surrounding Anakin was increasing. Her eyes were blood shot, and bags hung under them.

As Anakin entered the apartment, she sat up straight, and forced herself to smile. "How are you feeling?"
"I feel alright; but you shouldn't be asking, I'm worried about you."

"Just tired." Rose lied. Anakin frowned before kneeling to her height.
"You should rest." He said, resting his hand on her thigh.
"I can't."
"Because of me?" He asked.
"Because of what's happening." She said. "Anakin, I-I worry about you. I can feel the darkness that surrounds you, and I know you feel it too."

"I feel fine." Anakin said. "Why can't you see that?"
"Because I know you too well... You're the love of my life."

Anakin turned away angrily, and he sighed.

Rose stood to her feet. "Please, Anakin... Please.. Just tell me what has caused this."
"I said I'm fine!" He yelled, causing her to flinch. She shuttered a breath as he stared in shock, realizing what he had done.

"I-I didn't mean that, I-I love you." He choked out, watching her back away quickly. Her face was wet from her tears as she ran towards the door, and Anakin ran for her.

She screamed as Anakin grabbed her arm, and she tried to yank away. Anakin's eyes blurred with tears as he pulled her to him, and she shook against his body; trembling.

"I'm so sorry, please don't leave me." He begged, choking on his sob. Rose placed her arms around his waist carefully, and started walking him towards the bedroom.

Witnessing Anakin's mental breakdown caused her to cry, but she was silent about it. She helped Anakin removed his cloak and tunic, and she pushed him gently onto the bed.

"I'm-I'm so sorry." He continued to say; his skin glistening in sweat.

She placed her hand to his cheek, and he closed his eyes. Once she pressed a kiss to his forehead, he was sound asleep.

Rose covered her mouth with her hand as she ran out of the bedroom, and she hurried out of the apartment.

:((( I'm not prepared for what's next !!

Sorry I haven't updated, I've been at my dads this weekend for his birthday tomorrow (Star Wars day aYE!!)

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