12 | Hide Out

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Rose began to run faster as the Jedi Temple exploded. As they reached outside, they looked up in the air to see a ship flying away, and she knew it was Anakin.

She pulled her comlink out of her pocket. "Master! Anakin has turned to the Dark side! He's destroyed the Jedi Temple and the younglings - I don't know what to do!"

Once she was finished, the shock was gone, and the emotions kicked in. Tears fell down her face as she fell to the ground, letting out a loud scream.

"Why!" She screamed. "Why Anakin!"

Padmé's eyes were filled with tears as she wrapped her arms around Rose. The two cried at the fact that they might have lost Anakin forever.


When Obi-Wan returned, Yoda, him and Rose walked through the remains of the Temple. Padmé followed, forcing herself not to look at the lifeless bodies of the younglings.

Obi-Wan had found the imaging hologram that would show him Anakin's actions, and Rose had to watch. She covered her mouth as Anakin kneeled before Palpatine, and killed the Jedi.

"I can't." She sobbed, Padmé's arms holding her. Obi-Wan frowned sadly.

He had lost his best friend.

"Where is Anakin now?" Padmé asked.
"I don't know, he escaped before Obi-Wan arrived back." Rose answered.

"Master Yoda, if you can, please inform Bail Organa on Anakin and ask him to trace his location."

"What will we do until then?" Rose asked.
"We cannot stay here." Obi-Wan answered.
"With Palpatine and his army, they'll come back soon to raked over what's left here."


Rose looked up at Padmé as she placed a cup of cold water in her hands.

"Thank you." She said, sipping it slowly. She felt relief on her sore throat as she swallowed the liquid, sighing.

The four of them were currently on Kashyyyk, where Chewbacca's clan had been killed. With him and another the only ones to survive, they were having a hide out.

"I couldn't save him." She whispered. Padmé sat before her, drinking her own water.
"When Senator Organa finds Anakin's location, you will have your chance."

"He's too far gone." She sniffled.

"Look at me."

So she did.

"The one person Anakin loves more than his own life is you, Rose. You must save him, he loves you too much to lose you."

Rose looked down at her hands that held her cup. Her knuckles were bruised, and she had cuts on her skin. "You're right."

Padmé smiled before hugging Rose tightly. "Your love for him can't die. It isn't possible; it's too strong."

"I hope you're right." Rose whispered.

Chewbacca moaned before entering the small hut, along with Obi-Wan. Chewie sat next to Rose, who hugged the Wookiee.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Chewie." Rose said. Chewbacca moaned before nodding his head.

Obi-Wan sat beside Padmé as he stared out at the night. He was beginning to think of places Anakin would be, but none in particular were coming to mind.

As Yoda appeared, they stiffened.

"On Mustafar, Skywalker is."

Obi-Wan looked at Rose.

"I'll go." He said.
"No." Rose said. "I don't want him to hurt you. I will go."
"Rose, he will hurt you." Obi-Wan said.
Padmé looked at him. "Master Kenobi, Rose has something to do."

Rose stood to her feet before running to the ship.

"I can't allow this." Obi-Wan said, standing to his feet.

"What are you doing?" Padmé shouted as she ran with him. The two snuck onto the ship, leaving Yoda and Chewbacca.

"Just you and I, Chewbacca, hmm."

Chewbacca moaned.

I've been working on a Derek Hale fan-fiction if anyone wants to read the first chapter, it's under my works! Other than that, please vote and comment!

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