9 | Roomate

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Rose didn't hesitate as she ran down the hallways of the apartment building, and she slammed her fists against the locked doors.

Once they slid open, she came face-to-face with Padmé.

"I can't stay there." She breathed out. "He's getting worse."

Padmé frowned before letting her inside, and she grabbed her arm. "What happened? And why are their marks on your arm?"

Rose sniffled, and Padmé waited. "He lashed out... It was like... It wasn't him."

Padmé sighed.

"He isn't himself anymore, Padmé. He's dangerous. I-I'm afraid to be around him."
Padmé wrapped her arms around Rose's shaking body, and Rose sighed. "Stay here until this clears up, we'll figure it out."

After pulling away, Rose ran a hand through her hair.
"I'm going to go back to get a few things." She said. Padmé nodded before Rose stepped out.


Rose was quiet as she walked into her apartment, and she tiptoed to the closets.

Pulling out a bag, she put a thing of clothes inside of it, and her cloak.

When she pulled back, she stopped once she seen Anakin; standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" He asked, tiredly.

Rose swallowed. "I'm staying with a friend."
"Why?" Anakin asked.
"I can't stay here anymore, Anakin." She sniffled. "I'm afraid."

Anakin looked at her confused. "Rose, why I are you afraid?"
Rose stared at him. "Because you hurt me."

His eyes widened. "I hurt you?"

Rose's chest began to ache as she started to think of the darkness that was eating away at his brain.

"Y-You... You don't remember?"
"I don't remember anything. I remember talking to Obi-Wan, and I came here... That's all."

Her stomach churned as she held onto her bag.

"You hurt me, Anakin. The dark side.. It's surrounding you.. You don't remember because you weren't you."

Anakin looked away for a second, and he made a glimpse at her arm; where two bruises formed.

"Did I do that?" He asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"I can't stay here." Rose cried.
Anakin's face fell in his hands as she walked towards the door. He lifted his head up once she stopped.

"I love you." Anakin cried, watching her bite her quivering lip.
"I love you." She repeated.


Rose sat silently as Obi-Wan stood before her.

"He's changed, Master." She spoke. "He couldn't even remember."

Obi-Wan scratched at his beard as he thought. He was afraid this was going to happen.

"You cannot be near him until we fix him, Rose. This is getting too out of hand."

Standing to her feet, she crossed her arms. "I'm staying with Padmé for a few days."
"That's probably best."
"What will we do, Master?" She asked. "He's getting worse."

"I don't know yet, but I promise you that you won't like the solution if it involves a consequence."
Rose closed her eyes and shivered. "I don't want to think about that. Who knows what they'd do."

Obi-Wan paced back and forth. "I have to tell Master Windu."
"No Master, please!" Rose begged. "If he finds out about our marriage, he'll suspend us from the council."

"I won't mention your marriage, Rose. But he must know if a Jedi is being seduced to the dark side."

Rose sighed of relief before hugging Obi-Wan tightly. "Thank you, Master. Really. If I didn't have you, I'd probably be dead by now."

Obi-Wan hugged her back and they let go. "Now, go get some rest. I'll deal with the situation."

Rose nodded before hurrying off to Padmé's apartment.

When she lay to sleep that night, she rolled to her side, feeling alone. She wanted to feel Anakin's presence next to her, and to feel his touch. She wanted his arms around her, but she knew it was impossible at the time.

So instead, she closed her eyes, and reached out with the Force.

I will save you, Anakin. Whatever it takes.

Saving You | Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now