14 | Convincing

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The tension was becoming thicker between as Rose glanced down at the scorching lava underneath the two.

"Listen to me, Anakin." She begged. "It doesn't have to be like this. Please, just come back. The dark side... It's not good for anyone!"
Anakin dropped his cloak to the ground, pacing back and forth.

"You don't understand, Rose." He said. "There's a war being fought inside of my head!"
"I do understand, Anakin! I felt the same way when my family was killed, and I know that you've been in that position before!"

He didn't say anything as Rose stepped forward.

"Anakin, look at me. I've been in this same position, where you think the only way to destroy that voice inside of your head is to listen to its demands. But listen to my voice, if you truly love me or loved me, you'd listen to me for just this second."

Anakin's teary eyes met Rose's, and she swallowed.
He closed his eyes, inhaling. "If you want me to trust me, then why are you so afraid of me right now?"

Rose didn't say anything.
Anakin's hand moved towards his lightsaber. "I can feel the fear rushing through your blood at this very moment, Rose. That's all I can feel."

"I'm afraid that you're going to do something you'll soon regret." Rose corrected. "I'm not afraid of you."

Anakin's eyes opened. "You should be."

Rose's hands clenched into fists. "I won't stand below you, Anakin. One of us has to be the bigger person. And if it isn't going to be you, then it's going to be me."

Rose turned to walk away, until she could feel it. The sudden rush of danger. Once she turned, Anakin was soaring towards her, his bright blue lightsaber swinging in her direction.
She brought hers to life, blocking his hit. She could see the sudden rage in her lovers eyes, and it scared her to death.

"Stop this madness, Anakin!" Rose screamed, jumping onto the higher level. Anakin followed, his hair blowing in the slight breeze.

It was true. Anakin was completely strong than Rose. She could feel the difference, and how it affected him.

Rose huffed as Anakin knocked her off of her feet, and her back hit the metal post. She laid there out of breath, only to roll over as he swung at her again.

As she rolled over, she gripped the ledge before she could fall into the lava. She swung her body forward, and she fell onto the platform.

Anakin jumped down, his boots slamming against the metal. Rose slid to a stop, looking around for her lightsaber.

Looking to her left, she noticed the hilt on the edge. She extended her hand out, using the Force.

But Anakin had much more practice.

She shrieked slightly as she tried to fight him off, and the hilt flew through the air. As it smacked into Anakin's palm, Rose swallowed.

"There's nothing for me with the Jedi anymore." Anakin said, walking forward.
"There's much more, you just haven't discovered that!"

"Anakin, listen to me! Come back! Come be with me! We can re-build the Temple and train younglings as Padawans. Master Yoda is willing to help! Even Padmé!"
Anakin froze at that name. "Padmé means nothing to me."

"Why do you say that?"
"I'd tell you to ask her yourself," Anakin said. "But you won't be able to."

Rose gasped as Anakin swung at her again, and she jumped through the air. As she flipped over him, her foot slipped, and she fell over the edge.

The girl let out a piercing scream as she began to fall.

It was as if a light switch flicked on in Anakin's brain. The sudden clouds of darkness disappeared, and he found himself falling down to the next lower platform, gripping Rose's hands tightly.

As she looked up at him, the newest yellow eyes were the familiar blue she grew to love. She choked on a sob as he lifted her over the edge, setting her on her feet.

Rose stared into his eyes as he held her arms.

"It-It's gone." He said, looking down at her. "My head is clear. I-I - "

Anakin stopped himself. "I killed them."
Rose wrapped her arms around the boy as he began to stutter.

"I killed them all."
"Sh," She whispered. "That wasn't you, Anakin."
The boy wrapped his arms around her tightly, squeezing her to him.

Rose stood in the open room of their new apartment as Anakin was in the next room, standing blankly in the shower. Rose looked down at his robe in her hands, before lifting it to her face, and she inhaled his scent.

As he appeared, he pushed his hair out of his face before Rose helped him pull his robe on.
"How do you feel?" She asked.
"I'm tired, is all." He answered.

She watched as he walked towards the bed.
"Anakin," She said, walking towards him. He pulled at her hands, sitting her in his lap.

"I was just wondering something, but it can wait. It isn't important."
He ran his hand through her hair. "Tell me."

She exhaled. "When we were on Mustafar, you told me that Padmé meant nothing to you, and that I wouldn't find out why."
Anakin clenched his jaw. "I can remember it, but it wasn't me doing it. I was in my head, screaming at myself."

She swallowed. "What happened, Anakin?"
Anakin closed his eyes. "She took advantage of me, Rose."

Rose stopped. "How did she take advantage of you?"
"It was the night that I came home late... She was why I came home late."

Rose didn't say anything.
"She forced me into it, Rose." Anakin said, covering his face with hands. "I hate it, and I had no control over it."

Rose stood to her feet, adrenaline running through her.
She leaned down and kissed Anakin, before rushing out the door. She stormed down the hallways of the building, slamming her fists on Padmé's door.

As she opened it, Rose stared at the girl she thought of as a sister.

"How could you?" Rose asked.
Padmé swallowed. "What?"
"You know what." Rose spat.

Padmé gasped as Rose gripped her neck, pinning her to the wall. "I never should've trusted you!"
"R-Rose!" She choked, trying to pry her hands off of her.

"You slept with my husband!" She screamed, the veins soaring through her neck popping.
Padmé shook her head. "You can't hurt me."

Rose kept her grip on her neck. "Why can't I hurt you?"

Padmé swallowed.

"Because I'm pregnant."

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