10 | Leaving A Disaster

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Rose frowned to herself as Obi-Wan waited for his ship to arrive. He was headed to Utapau, where he would ask the people for a base of protection.

"I'm afraid of what will happen when you leave, Master." Rose said. "What if Anakin has another episode?"

"It's been three weeks, Rose. Just give it time; he'll come around. And when he does, we'll make him agree."

She sighed.

Obi-Wan smiled before walking up the ramp of the ship, and waving at Rose. She waved back, and exhaled a shaky breath.

Once he was gone, she walked back inside of the Jedi Temple; where she would meet with Master Yoda.

In a room of darkness, Yoda sat and waited. Once she arrived, she bowed before sitting in front of the small creature.

"Thank you for coming, Master." Rose said.
"What is it you need, hmm?"

Rose swallowed. "This person. The Dark side surrounds them, but they are still on the light side. They're having episodes; where they aren't them-self anymore."

Yoda hummed. "Someone close to you, or someone you know?"
"Someone close to me." Rose answered.

"You must let go of those you fear to lose." He said. "Fear is a path to the Dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering."

"I can't let go of them, Master." She said. "I must save them."

He grumbled. "Hard, saving someone seduced is. The darkness floods their brain enough to see only hatred; no good."

Rose slumped her shoulders.
"And dangerous for you, it is. Kill you, they could."

Rose shook her head. Could Anakin really kill her?

"I know the consequences." She said. "I can't let them fall to the dark side when they have the chance to be saved; I will do what I must, and what I believe is right."

"So confident, you are, Rose. Strong with the Force, too."

Rose bowed before standing to her feet. "Thank you, Master."


Anakin couldn't take the emptiness inside of him anymore. His chest ached at the lack of Rose's presence, and it was building up anger inside of him.

Anakin looked out the window for minutes as he stared into space; thinking of the fact that Rose was gone. He had pushed her away, and he couldn't even remember.

The darkness doesn't surround me, he thought.

But it did.

And he knew it.

He slammed his fists across the table beside the sofa of the veranda, glass objects slamming and breaking against the floor. He huffed out in anger as he continued to lash out; throwing and breaking things.

He fell to the floor weakly as a sob broke through his chest. He buried his face in his hands as he cried, wishing to feel Rose's hand on his shoulder.

And then he though of the nightmare. The night he had dreamt of Rose almost being killed.

He stood to his feet, and walked out of the apartment.

Chancellor Palpatine sat in his office when Master Windu, and other Jedi arrived.

"Master Windu, I take it General Grievous has been destroyed."

Master Windu and the others activated their lightsabers. "In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor."

"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?" Palpatine snarled.
"The Senate will decide your fate."
"I am the Senate."
"Not yet."

Palpatine stood to his feet, and his lightsaber hilt appeared. "It is treason."

And with that, he flipped through the air, and struck it through one of the Jedi's chests.
Finishing Kit Fisto, Mace Windu and Palpatine kept the fight going as they moved throughout the room.

And Anakin had just arrived.

Bum bum bUUUUUUM

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