12. Showcase - Part 2

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"Let's go somewhere and talk.", Wonshik said as he finally had managed to corner Hakyeon in the waiting room.

It had been long since he had gotten the pleasure to see the face of his loved one.

Hakyeon though, felt scared, stirred up and definitely not in the mood to be alone with Wonshik. He was just about to refuse when his eyes glanced out briefly in the room, noticing the amount of curious looks they attracted. He sighed and told himself to keep his head high, that it couldn't be that bad to be alone with Wonshik.


You shouldn't have.

As soon as they entered the dark prop room and the door closed, Wonshik embraced Hakyeon from behind. His husky voice mumbled something like that he'd missed him near his ear and his hand already, without permission, started to search itself down into Hakyeon's pants.

Hakyeon gasped at Wonshik's impatient touch and made an attempt to escape. He twisted himself out of the grip and then got stuck staring at him, leaving about one meter between them. Wonshik smiled a wry smile, barely apparent in the faint light from the small window on the door. He took a step forwards and Hakyeon instantly started backing away. Eventually, it led to him backing into a shelf behind him... He was caught.

"Have you lied to Jung Taekwoon yet?", Wonshik asked calmly as he stopped right in front of his beloved.

The only answer he got was a pair of stubborn eyes, but it didn't stop his persistence. He linked their left hands together before he, after a few seconds let go and let this fingers gently search themselves down to Hakyeon's ankle. Now, holding it in a solid grip, he pressed it up against the shelf behind Hakyeon who let out a low groan in pain. Wonshik's free hand unzipped Hakyeon's pants and stroked the growing erection on the outside of the underwear. He smiled confidently as he went forehead to forehead with Hakyeon.

"Well, have you...?", he asked again.

"I haven't...", Hakyeon mumbled and averted his gaze, triggering a low chuckle from Wonshik's side.

"You will after this...", He kissed Hakyeon's neck gently, "You'll tell him nothing happened, right?"

Wonshik's lips sucked on Hakyeon's neck, neatly creating a red mark. He cunningly pressed his hardened member against Hakyeon's thigh. Teasing him... He knew what he was doing. He knew that soon, Hakyeon would give u...

"Let go of me!", Wonshik suddenly got pushed away as Hakyeon had managed to gather enough courage to escape.

Hakyeon now stood panting with his hand covering the still slightly wet mark on his neck.

Such disobeying eyes...

"You need to stop it! We are over, I'm with Taekwoon now and...", he quieted when Wonshik started laughing.

"Can he accept you? Think about it Hakyeon...", Wonshik spun with a soft voice.


"You'll lie.", Wonshik smiled and brushed off his clothing before he nonchalantly left the room, leaving Hakyeon behind.

... Jerk.

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