26. The reality

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My room felt different as I opened my eyes. Colder, stiffer, almost unknown. Like I was a stranger, a guest in my own home. Well, soon it wouldn't be my home anymore. Because in just a few hours, I would sit on the plane that would take me back to America.

... Guilt twisted my stomach but my expression remained as calm as before. I felt nauseous but I knew that this was something I had chosen. I wanted to scream, stop time, go rampage but I couldn't. I wished for Hakyeon to be able to fulfill his dream without any unnecessary obstacles.

Which would be me.

My limbs suddenly felt heavy, so heavy. Like I wouldn't be able to move them even if I wanted to. But of course, I had to. Since I had some last packing to do.

Let's just get up.

But my arms didn't even budge.
As expected...

The blank expression that I had been wearing slowly changed into a frown and my breath seemed to be swelling in my throat. It took effort to even start hyperventilating through my nose and by now, I could feel my eyes tear up in frustration.

Warm tears ran down my cheeks.
They had a salty taste.

"Hongbin-ah~" Hakyeon sulked into the phone, earning an unengaged hum from the younger.

He was currently making his way to school by foot. The weather was rather gray-looking and the temperature just enough not to freeze. There was an odd, calm morning silence in the air as the people around, going to school as well; looked a bit like they were sleep-walking.

"Hongbin-ah... What am I supposed to do?" Hakyeon questioned while pulling his bag further up on his shoulder to prevent it from falling off.

"Talk to him? He doesn't want to... He even had to lie."

"... What? YAH THAT'S NOT APPROPRIATE. Y-you perv~!"

"N-No, I'm not blushing because I like it..."

"I mean, I'm not blushing at all!"


"Anyways, we promised we would go somewhere fun before he left so I still have time to try to solve this."

"Well, yeah..."

"I'll try. Thanks~ bye."

Hakyeon pressed the red button and was ready to put the phone down when it suddenly vibrated in his hand. Good timing?

Taekwoon: I'm not going coming to school today. I'm sick.

Hakyeon clicked his tongue, "It's so short..."

He sighed and slowed down his walking gradually until stopping completely. A weak tiredness had begun beating in the back of his head. It didn't hurt, but was more like a low buzzing. He really wanted to see Taekwoon today... He really wanted to see Taekwoon always. But maybe, especially today?

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