17. Never change

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It was late afternoon at the store and Taekwoon glanced quietly over at his co-worker Wonshik as they both stood by the register together. Tch. Why did their shifts have to be at the same time? Taekwoon was still mad and full with disgust from what Wonshik had done to Hakyeon at the previous showcase.  He didn't bring it up though because honestly... Something seemed so off with the raven-haired boy today that he barely even felt like glaring. To put it simply, Wonshik looked like he had have enough of a shitty day regardless.

Taekwoon turned away and focused on his own problem instead, which in this case would be Hakyeon. Why weren't he answering Taekwoon's calls or messages no matter what he wrote? He scrolled through the conversation and blushed lightly for himself as he saw the cringe-worthy content he had written. "I really want to hold you... I want to hear your voice." Taekwoon cringed. If Hakyeon teased him about this later... His phone suddenly got snatched from his hand and he looked up at Wonshik, who had taken it with a straight face, showing no particular emotion.

"Don't lo-", Taekwoon blurted out without thinking, but he was quick to stop his words as he would feel irritated at himself for even giving the slightest reaction to his distasteful co-worker.

Wonshik though, didn't look at the screen, instead; he threw Taekwoon a cold stare. Without explaining himself, he locked the phone neatly with his index finger and threw it back to Taekwoon.

"No cellphones at work.", Wonshik coldly informed and turned away.

Taekwoon glared at him and left the cash register to check the delivery list instead, not necessarily because he had to. Rather, because just that small interruption seemed to be enough to tick his mood off. What the hell.

He glanced at the clock on the wall, noting that only less than ten minutes had gone since he last had checked. Taekwoon sighed, strongly regretting that he didn't beg the manager for a day off. It was still about two hours until he could leave and travel towards Hakyeon's house to which he had asked Hyuk to find out the address to earlier. It hadn't been too hard since him and Hongbin were going pretty steady by now. Taekwoon let out another sigh as he put down the overviewed list and moved to help customers instead. Hyuk and Hongbin sure were lucky, having it so easy.

For himself, to hold Hakyeon, to feel his warm skin with longing fingertips and a loving desire. To breathe in his smell, grab his neck and kiss his lips... Those perfect lips... It always seemed so complicated. He swallowed anxiously at the thought of it, at the thought of Hakyeon. The body, the dance, the personality, the heart, the lies... Taekwoon wanted it all.

As soon as my shift ends.


"Thank you, have a nice evening.", Wonshik lowered his head with a polite smile to the leaving customer.

As soon as she could no longer be seen, Wonshik glanced at the small digital clock on the cash register. His shift ended in three minutes or less - and so he looked around to see if anyone in the store needed help. After confirming that everything was fine, he naturally turned around to leave for the locker room.


That voice? Wonshik turned around, surprised to hear the familiar tone behind him.

"Ken-hyung? When did you get here? I could have sworn...", He scratched his head cluelessly, speaking with a low pondering voice.

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