20. Precious days

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The sheets gave away a slight rustle as Hakyeon, as carefully as possible moved out from Taekwoon's arm that was lying heavily on top of his chest. They were both still naked in bed from last night and Hakyeon tried his best not to peek at Taekwoon's bare body or even graze against his partner's warm skin while moving. He eventually succeeded in escaping and had just finished putting on his clothes when his phone started vibrating. Hakyeon was quick to leave the room to take the call, not wanting to wake Taekwoon up just yet.

"Hello?", Hongbin's low voice was heard through the line.

"Hongbin-ah ~ I missed you.", Hakyeon spoke playfully, leaning against the wall in the corridor.

Hongbin gave away his usual bright laughter, making Hakyeon able to almost imagine his friend's dimples in front of him.

"Hyukie said you weren't in school yesterday so I was going to ask you how you felt, but if you're healthy enough to joke around then...", Hongbin said.

"How I feel?", Hakyeon took a moment to feel after for himself, but his sickness seemed to be blown away completely, "I'm cured?"

"Why does it sound like a question?" Hongbin chuckled, "But that's good. Then, want to meet up later?"

"Su-" Hakyeon flinched from the sound of someone moving from inside of his room. Seemingly, Taekwoon had woken up.

"Sure.", Hakyeon continued from where he was cut off, eyes now on the door, "Ah, but I was thinking of practicing my dancing after classes end so come to my school."

The door opened and Hakyeon met eyes with a sleepy Taekwoon. He had his hood dragged over blonde morning-messy hair, barely succeeding in concealing it and his eyes seemed to be on the verge on closing themselves and go back to sleep again. He looked slightly confused in general, somewhat resembling a lost child or a sleepy kitten. Hakyeon smiled.

"Talk to you later.", He said to Hongbin before he hung up and lowered his hand with the phone.

He then turned to Taekwoon with the smile still apparent on his lips.

"Did you sleep well?", Hakyeon asked and Taekwoon nodded slowly, rubbing his right eye with the back of his hand.

"Because I was hugging you...", Taekwoon mumbled and walked past his now blushing partner in the corridor, aiming his steps towards the bathroom.

Feeling like it would be a good day, Hakyeon went ahead down to the kitchen for breakfast. There, he saw his father sit silently by the dining table reading the morning newspaper with a half-eaten meal in front of him.

Hakyeon walked past, expecting his father's usual greeting but strangely, his father didn't even seem to notice his appearance. Hakyeon frowned but decided to not pay it any notice for now. He opened the fridge but stopped soon after in thought. Actually, maybe this was the right time to ask him about the whole childhood thing? How the misunderstanding of Leo's death had happened.

Hakyeon closed the fridge again, filled a glass of water and sat down on the chair in front of his father.

"Good morning", he spoke to which his father unexpectedly flinched.

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