24. Unlucky

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Hakyeon pouted, "Don't you love me?"

With a light blush to his cheeks, Taekwoon's attention landed onto Hakyeon's lips and he smiled. Although the words "I love you" were words they hadn't yet said to each other; the air remained surprisingly calm with no hint of awkwardness. These weren't newly grown feelings after all. They went long back, to the time when they were children.

Taekwoon moved closer to Hakyeon, seeing a playful glint in the almond-like eyes as he did so. He put his hand around the elder's neck and pulled his head closer to his own. Gently, until their foreheads met and they grew aware of their own heartbeats, their own breathing. They felt how the warmth was burning in every place their bodies touched - hand on neck, thigh against thigh, forehead to forehead. Hakyeon chuckled but Taekwoon had grown serious; for his mind had once again darkened with reality.

What should I do?

Although their feelings were like this, it was obvious that reality was not going to have it. Also, Taekwoon knew that when his mother wanted something, only his father could be the one to stop her. It was truly unfortunate that he was already on her side, spinning evil plans right next to her.

Hakyeon suddenly leaned forwards a bit and his hand shifted onto Taekwoon's thigh, making him remember what the elder was waiting for. An answer.

"Don't you love me?"

Taekwoon smiled and nudged his forehead softly against Hakyeon's. Drawing ever nearer, he was soon to close the gap between them.

"I do." Taekwoon whispered with eyes on the verge on closing, "I love you, so it's frustrating. It's annoying."

Hakyeon chuckled cluelessly and their lips met soon after.

It was a soft kiss, not rash or impatient. Passionate, but in its own way. Their lips fell soft against each other and like pieces of a puzzle - they seemed to be perfectly made for one another. Hakyeon's lips soon parted to let Taekwoon's tongue in and the latter did so with a gentle force of pulsating strength. The kiss deepened and continued on until they were both out of breath. Only then, their lips separated and their heads drew back.

The tingling feeling that had entered their minds was unexplainable. At first glance, it felt like embarrassment as they grinned with red cheeks and a fluttering bundle of butterflies in their stomachs that made them barely dare to even look each other in the eyes. But then, the feeling gave a deeper impression of something really really precious. That this love was the one, the love of a lifetime.

Taekwoon drew back further and licked his lips discreetly, now returning to his original position on the bench. He reached out and took Hakyeon's hand in his.

"Are you okay?" Hakyeon asked, noticing the younger's anxiety.

"Y-Yeah..." Taekwoon answered, hesitated and then added, "But can you promise me something?"

"What is it?"

Taekwoon started playing with Hakyeon's short fingers. Carefully, nervously, he touched them as he spoke.

"To never lie to me."

"... Of course." Hakyeon smiled, "If it's you, I can do it."

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