Chapter 9

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When they arrived he opened the door for her and wrapped an arm around her as they walked into the restaurant together. Serafina freaked out when she saw the name of the place. It was the most expensive restaurant in town, she wouldn't be able to afford it. She wasn't expecting him to take her to such a place, she thought he would've known that she can't afford this place. She stopped in her tracks and Nathan looked at her in a confused way.

"What's wrong Sera?" he asked.

"I'm sorry Nathan... I... umm... I can't afford this place, I don't have enough... uhh m-money" she whispered the last bit. Nathan couldn't help but smile. She was so cute, thinking he was going to make her pay.

"No it's ok, I've got this. You don't have to pay for a thing, just enjoy yourself alright?" he told her making her look up at his eyes.

She didn't know how dates worked so she just nodded. He put his arm back around her waist because he liked it there and walked into the restaurant.

In side he looked for Chris then smiled when he found him, he told the waiter and she walked them to the table.

"Hey Nate, Sera glad you could make it, he was pretty desperate to come with you" said Chris, Nathan rolled his eyes. The girl in the seat giggled then stood with a big smile on her face. She hugged Nathan.

"She's different, I like her" she whispered before pulling back and poking his nose.

"Sera meet Emma, my girlfriend" said Chris wrapping an arm around Emma, she was so pretty with long auburn hair, big brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She pulled Sera into a hug.

"Hey, it's so nice to meet you, you're way more gorgeous than Nathan described" she said pulling back, she laughed when she saw Nathan's glare. Serafina was blushing hardcore.

"Thank you, it's nice meeting you too. I love your hair" she said smiling. Emma chuckled.

"Thank you" she said then they sat down, Nate asked her what she would like to eat and they ordered.

"So when did you guys meet?" asked Emma. Sera looked at Nathan to answer the question.

"I met her about 2 weeks ago when dad had dinner with his new business partner and he dragged us with him, by the end of the night I was glad I went" he said winking at Sera, her cheeks flared up in flames.

Emma smiled at Chris then she looked at Sera remembering how she felt when she fell in love with her man. As the dinner went on they all laughed and conversations never ended, Serafina was having the best time of her life and she had forgotten all of her problems. At around 11:35 they left the restaurant and stood outside to say goodbye.

"It was awesome meeting you, and maybe we can hand out together, Josie, you and I could have a girls day or something" she said giving her a big hug, Nathan had such amazing friends.

"Yeah, I'd love that and it was lovely meeting you too" she said when she pulled back, she smiled at her then gave her a kiss before stepping back, Chris enveloped her in a hug.

"I guess I'll see you next time Sera, but don't steal my girl she already loves you more than me" he said smiling, that made her and Emma laugh.

"No promises there Chris" mumbled Sera, they all laughed.

"I really like you, I like her" said Emma to Sera then to Chris.

"See you guys" he said giving Nathan a man hug and a friendly hand shake. Emma gave him a kiss on the cheek then they walked off.

"Ready to go?" asked Nathan wrapping an arm around her. She nodded shyly then they walked to his car, he opened the door for her and she got in. Then he went to the other side and got in then they drove off.

"You have amazing friends" she said as they neared her place.

"They seemed to like you too" he said giving her a glance, she looked at him and smiled. He pulled up at her house then opened the door for her again. He walked her to the front door and turned to face her.

"Did you have fun tonight?" he asked her wrapping his arm around her waist. She nodded and looked down to hide her red face.

"I had the best time of my life, thank you so much for inviting me" she said, he pulled her into a warm hug.

"I'm glad you came too, we will do this again ok, but just the two of us. You're so gorgeous" he said. She blushed even more, he put his finger under her chin to make her look at him then he leaned closer to her face. She froze and her eyes got big, he saw her reaction and smiled.

"Close your eyes" he whispered to her.

"What are you going to do?" she whispered back.

"I'm going to kiss you, is that ok?" he asked her, a small smile tugged on her lips and she nodded. Her eyes drifted to a close and then he closed his too, she felt his lips on hers, they were soft, warm and so very gentle.

Immediately she relaxed against his chest and melted into him.

Please don't let me go, she thought to herself.

She had never felt anything like it. Fire spread through her back as he pressed his hand there and moved her closer to him. The night wind blew and she got goose bumps and chills.

Or was that the kiss that blew me away?  she thought.

Nothing around her mattered at that moment she was happy and that's what she ever wanted.

He didn't expect to feel so much when he kissed her, he had kissed so many girls but had never felt like he was going to melt on the inside, his heart pumped harder and closer to his ribs. He was feeling things he had never felt before.

He pulled back to get some air into his lungs, his eyes opened. He leaned his forehead on hers and closed his eyes again.

Mom was right, he thought to himself, she does things to me.

He kissed her forehead then gave her a hug.

"Goodnight Sera" he said as he pulled back, she smiled then opened the door and walked in, giving him one more glance. He looked at her and gave her a heart melting smile.

She dropped her clutch and ran back to him, throwing her arms around him.

"Thank you" she whispered into his shirt. His heart did somersaults as he hugged her back. A wind flew past, making her shiver.

"Go inside" he whispered to her. She did then locked the door. He walked to his car and ran a hand through his hair. He got in and drove home.

Tell, tell, tell me what u thiiiink... Yeaaah (that's me singing guys) 😊😊😉

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