Chapter 3

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I know, I know I said I'll be updating Fridays, but I was inspired and I had to write it down before I forget. But expect updates on Fridays though. I have been updating because it's only the beginning:) Sorry, I should stop talking and get on with the story. So here is chapter 3 for all of you guys. Also, I wanna give thanks to the people who gave this book a chance and actually read it and voted. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS<3

Chapter 3

Classes have gone by fast and right now, Chloe, Ariana, Jessie, and I are in our last period before lunch. Right all I want is food because all I had so far this morning is Apple Juice. In case your wondering, I met Ariana and Jessie in my Math class. They are good friends with Chloe and now they want to be best friends with me. I don't really mind, but these girls just blurt out whatever they have in there minds, which is funny, but so far, I'm starting to like them.

Ian and I haven't really seen each other, since this morning. which is a good thing because I'm still upset he didn't mention he was Alpha of the pack. I'm just going to tease him about it though, let's see where this takes us. When the bell rang, I told the girls that I'll meet them in the cafeteria because I have to stop by my locker and drop some stuff off because I don't feel like carrying anything, unless it's my bag. Plus, I want to piss of Ian, who is probably waiting up for me. LOL! But hey, he pissed me off too. I can't believe he didn't tell me he was the future Alpha!!

After shutting my locker, I spotted Matt about to enter the cafeteria, I yelled his name and ran towards him. He is in my chemistry class and I missed some of the notes we were suppose to take because I've been talking to Chloe, he happens to be sitting in front of me and I just asked if I can use his notes, so I can copy his notes, then return them. I finished copying them during math because it was sort of boring in there so now I'm going to return them.

"Hey, Beth what's up?" He asked, shoving one of his hands in his pockets.

"I just wanted to give you these back."I handed his notes back and he took them."Thanks for letting the new girl copy some notes." I smiled.

"Yeah, no problem." He chuckles and opens the doors for me.

"Thanks."I walked in and headed for the lunch line with Matt right behind me. Some people glared at me and started to murmur with each other.

"So, how are you liking your first day here?"He asked and I turned around ignoring the students.

"Honestly, some people aren't very welcoming." I whispered to him looking at around. He did the same and started to laugh softly.

"Hey, some girls are just upset because you're mated to Ian." He says.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it." I shrugged and moved along with the moving line.

"What's your next class after lunch?" Matt asked.

"Um, I have p.e. Isn't it amazing we get to work out and play games that woulf kill all of us." I smile sarcasticly. Matt just shakes his head while smiling.

"I take it your not a p.e person?" He points out the obvious.

"He isn't obvious?" I giggle.

Soon we both started laughing.

"Well, this is a different kind of p.e for werewolves."He winks.

"Right."I shoved his shoulders in a playful way.

Someone growled across the room, which made everyone look around, including us. Our eyes landed on Ian's table. My eyes widen when I saw hin walking towards.

"Shit, I'm going to die today."Matt panicked next to me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "He saw me talking to you."

"Can you shut up and relax, you're not going to die today and he doesn't tell me who talk to or not, eventhough I'm kind of scared right now." I gulped. I can feel a warm feeling next to me and I know who it is. I turned around and looked to see Ian, angry.

"Ian." I greeted him with an angry ton.

"Matt, you need to stay away from Beth."Ian wrapped his arm protectively around my waist.

"I'm sorry."Matt bowed his head down and walked away.

I felt so bad for him and now I'm angry at Ian.

I moved away from him and of course he growled, but I didn't care.

"Why did you do that?" I crossed my arm across my chest.

"I didn't like that he made you laugh, like that. I wanted it to be me who makes you laugh like that." He whispers and looks down at the ground.

Aawww he was jealous? That is so hot right there. But I can't tell him that, at least not right now.

"That still doesn't give you the right to chase my friends away." I went to waiting in the lunch line. Only to be pulled back and put on the Ian's shoulders.

"What the- Ian put me down."I wiggled around. He was walking back to his table and I didn't even know people were staring at us. Oh man, this is so embarassing.

"I'll have Chloe, get your lunch." He says, but I still moved around.

"I can get it myself!" I hit his back with my fist.

"I'm not going to let my girlfriend stand in that long line."He says.

"You never even asked me out!"I continued to hit his back.

Seconds later, he sat down, putting me on his lap. I frown and gave him a pout.

"I hate you, you know that?"I glared at him.

"We'll see about that later."He winks at me.

"What's happening later?"I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Chloe, can you get some food for Beth, please?" He asked her politely, totally ignoring my question. She nodded and left.

"And as for you, I have football practice today after school, so your going to sit on the bleachers with the girls and wait until we are done."He commanded me.

"I'm not your babysitter!"I yelled in his face.

"What you don't want to see your man, play without a shirt."He wiggles his eyebrows. "Plus cheerleaders will be practicing out there, and you know sometimes it gets out of hand."

"You are so lucky, your my mate."I point my index finger at him.

"You have no idea how lucky I am."He wraps his arm around my waist and squeezes it.

"You still haven't ask me out, so no touchy touchy for now."I jumped off of him and smile.

The bell rang and I headed out for p.e. This would be interesting, since after all Chloe, her friends, Ian, and his friends would be in that class. Yippy (sarcasm!)

Please vote and comment. Haters can hate, because it won't matter to me. Thank you to all my readers!!!Love you guys

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