Chapter 24

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Happy Friday!!:) Thanks to all of those that voted and commented, I really appreciated it:) I have 21.1k readers. It may not be alot to some of you but its alot for me because this is my first book:) So thanks, hopefully it will improve and I have more readers, comments, amd votes in the future:) Heres the update:)

Chapter 24

"Is that all of it?" My dad asked coming back from my front door.

"Yeah, thanks. I'm just going to wake up Emily and get her ready." I sigh.

Today is our flight to Canada. Ian didn't come home last night nor did I hear from if he was going with us or not. Right now, I'm just going to pretend everything is alright for Emily's sake.

Last night she cried in the middle of the night looking for her daddy, but he wasn't here to give her comfort, so I slept with her all night to calm her down. Emily has a cast on her left leg because she twisted her ankle and she had a cut. I'm glad nothing more serious happened to her.

"Alright and Chris and Claire will meet us at the airport." My dad told me before he goes and make himself a cup of coffee.

My mom is taking a shower, Tiffany is still getging ready in my bathroom, and Alex is watching t.v in our living. They've been here since they took Emily home. So they decided to just spend the night, since their stuff was already packed.

I already showered and changed an hour ago. Im wearing black leggings with brown leather boots, and a white shirt that goes a little pass my butt, my left side of the shirt (the sleeves) is down to my forearm and the right is on my shoulder. And then I added a cute white bean on my wavy hair that i put down. Anyways, Im heading towards my bedroom to find Emily all dressed up, but she had fallen back to sleep. She was wearing her blue jeans with brown ugg boots, her long black coat with a grey long sleeve under neath, and her carmel curly long hair was put in high pony tale. She is so cute in her outfit!! I love my 5 years old daughter!!:)

"I changed her for you because you wers busy, so I did it." Tiffany whispers, before walking out my door.

I smile and walked over to my bed and shook Emily very very lightly.

"Em, Em, it's time to wake up now, princess." I whispered in her ear.

She made a cute small groan and flattered her adorable cutes open.

"Good morning, princess." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

Soon I heard her sob. I pulled back and saw Emily had tears running down her face.

"What's wrong?" I lifted her chin up, so i can look at her.

"Daddy calls me princess. I miss him, mommy." She cried and hugs me tight.

I fought back tears because I know how she feelings.

"I know, baby girl." I said. I hugged her back to me.

After a few moments, when I knew she was calm, I finally spoke. "Come on baby girl, we need to catch our flight." I carried her out of my room.

Emily just nodded against my neck and I just started walking. Opening the door, my parents and siblings gave me a queationed look because they heard Emily's sob.

'She misses her daddy.' I said through mind-link. They nodded.

"Did you gets everything? We aren't forgetting anything?" My dad asked one last time before pushing everyone out of my condo. I tossed him my house key so he could lock it up for me.


At the airport........

When he arrived at the airport, we took our suit cases and rolled them towards the waiting area. My brother carried mine and emily's because Emily hasn't let go of me.

I saw Chris and Claire sitting down with their suitcase looking sad and upset.

"Are you guys ok?" I ask when I approach them.

They sigh and Claire stood up and said, "I'm sorry honey." She squeezes my forearm.

I will now be mateless. I can see that Ian doesn't care about us anymore. I really was hoping for him to pick us, but I was wrong.

I sigh and just nodded.

"Come on our private jet is ready." Chris said.


Q: What do you think of this chapter?Why do you think Ian is doing right now? Will Beth forgive him for doing what he had to do?

Please comment your answers and vote please:)

Well happy friday everyone:) I hope you guys liked it even though it's short:/ Love you guys!!!!!!!<3

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