Chapter 40

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Hey guys!!!!! sorry i havent updated....its because i got a new phone and i had to transfer all my stuff to it. I have so busy lately because school starts tomorrow for me More stress for me........Anyway here is the update.

Chapter 40

Beth's P.O.V

What is going on with me? My body and head hurts like I have been hit by a bulldozer.

I woke up in a room that's all white like snow. I'm in a hospital gown and I am wearing a bandage head thing.

Getting up is probably the hardest thing i have ever done, and i have no idea why. But when i manage to get up from the only bed in the room, i went straight to the bathroom and let me tell you.....i look like i havent showered in days. My hair is everywhere and i look dirty with all the bruises on my skin!

***After Cleaning Herself***

I realized i didnt have any clothing, so i had to wear the hospital gown again.

I noticed something shiny on my neck. I went to examine it in the mirror. It was a shine diamond necklace.

I dont remember owning this piece of jewelry or ian giving this to me. Where did this come from?

When i touched it, it glowed and sparks spread through my entire body.

What the hell is this?

I was admiring the necklace, until i heard voices coming from the door by my room.

"Luna Bethany died early today around morning, i need you to put her file away." I guess that's the doctor who requested someone to do.

"Yes, Doctor." Then i heard their footsteps fading away.

What was that about? How am i dead? Im perfectly standing, well sort of. Where is Ian? And Emily? Omg I need to get out of here!


Q:What do you think of this chapter? Surprise?

Please comment your answers and vote!! Thank you guys so much!!!! Ill see you guys next time

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