Chapter 20

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Hey guys, sorry for the long update, but Christmas is on the way and tthat means SHOPPING AND PUTTING UP THE TREE W/FAM. Anyways I had surgery Tuesday and took hella long. Here's that updated you wanted for awhile now.


Chapter 20

"Are you serious?" I shouted full of joy right now.

My parents are finally deciding on going to Canada to visit my grandparents and other relatives.

Two weeks ago, on Saturday, my parents told Ian and I that we are going on a family vacay, but didn't know where. So two weeks later, which is now, I found out we are going to Canada and we leave next weekend.

"I'm glad you're excited." My dad smiles, while ruffling my hair.

"Dad, I'm pumped because we get to see grandma and grandpa." I squeal.

"Well surprise, pumpkin." Mom comes and hugs me.

I'm sooo excited right now, I can't wait.

"So you guys told her." Alex grins, closing the front door. Followed by Tiffany and Emily in her arms.

"I'm excited now!" I jumped up and down clapping my hands.

"Why are you excited,mommy?" Emily asked softly while licking her lollipop.

I walked over to her and Tiffany handed her to me.

"Because we are going to Canada next weekend for a family vacation." I tell her while walking towards the couch.

"Really?" Emily gleamed.

I nodded and smiled.

" Aunt Tiff, Uncle Alex, did you hear that, did you hear that?" Emily jumped out of my arms and started jumping around.

"Yes we did, baby girl." Alex smiled.

We laughed at Emily because she started dancing all over the place.

"Mommy, we have to tell daddy." Emily runs over to me and pulls on my arm.

My smile disappeared and turned into a frown.

I guess my parents saw my reaction because they told Tiffany to take Emily into my old room and let her play. They turned my room into a play place for Emily.

When Tiff and Emily left, they all looked at me and waited for my explaination.

I sigh and fiddled with my fingers.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Mom asked, breaking the silence.

I looked up and faced my parents and Alex.

"Nothing, Ian is just finally bonding with his sister and their comfortable with each like they used to be." I put on a smile, assuring them everything is fine.

"Bethany." Dad and Alex growled.

I sigh and groaned.

"Ian is just spending more time with Mitchie, then me." I whispered the last part.

"Oh honey." Mom came and sat by me.

"I'm not selfish or anything, but he doesn't sleep in the condo that much anymore. He sleeps in the pack house." I sobbed." But Im just being understandable because its his little sister that went missing and now I just wanna give them some space and time to bond." I said.

"I'm sorry honey." Mom rubs small circles on my back.

"Its fine. As long as he is happy, then I'm happy." I wiped my tears away and smiled.

"That's bullshit, Beth. If you were happy, you wouldn't be crying right now." Alex yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" I snapped at him.

"Then stop lying!" He continues to yell.

"I'm not lying, Alex!" I stood up and yelled.

"He's your mate, I know for a fact that you're upset and lonely!" He yelled, pointing at me.

"Stop it you two." My dad growled.

"Please don't fight each other. You guys are siblings,not enemies." My mom snaps.

We stared at each other for what seems like an hour, but it was only for a moment, until Alex sigh and came over to give me a hug.

"I'm sorry." He whispers in my ear.

I hug him tighter. "I'm sorry too, Alex."

We let go of each other and my parents smiled.

"As for Ian, don't do anything because whatever happens that's his sister and I don't want to cause any trouble." I warned them.

Dad and Alex growled,but nodded their heads.

Suddenly, my phone rang and it read 'Babe'.... meaning Ian. I smiled and picked it up.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Hey, babe. Just called to tell you that Mitchie and I are going to hanging out tonight. So don't wait up,ok?" He says.

My face falls,but I recovered and sucked it up. They are bonding, do not interfere.

"Ok, but next weekend we are going to Canada for the family vacation and you get to meet my grandparents." I just get so excited talking about Canada because of my grandparents and snow!

"That's great. Ill pack later,since its next weekend." He answers.

"I'm just letting you know ahead of time because I don't want you to book anything for a week." I reminded him.

"Don't worry,Beth. I got it covered." He sighs.

"Ok." I said.

"Well, I got to go now. Bye." He says then hang up.

What the fuck just happened? He didn't even say I love you. In fact he barely says that to me anymore. Does he even still love me? Is he tired of me?

'Of not he is our mate.' Natalie chips in.

'Yeah, but Nat, this isn't Ian anymore.' I complained.

'I know how you feel.' She says.'It's. his sister that's changing him.'She growls.

I gasped.'Nat, don't be selfish. They are just trying to bond with each other again. They were close growing up. So suck it up.'

'Whatever.' She sounded irritated, then left.

"Beth-" My mom began,but I cut her off.

"I'm going to go shopping with Emily for her clothes." I told them, then headed upstairs.

Put all the negative vibes away Beth and be happy for Emily.


Oohhhhhhh Ian is changing.

Q: How long do you think Beth can stay understanding with the whole sibling bonding?

Comment you answers or predictions please:)

Merry Christmas everyone<3

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