Chapter 58

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Beth's P.O.V

Right now I'm scared of my life! I know I'm supposed to be this tough, badass future Luna, but when you have a knife right up against your neck by your own freakin cousin, only wanted the necklace around my neck, that's a whole different story. At this point, I'm not sure if I want Ian to find me or not. It's his safety against mine. I rather risk mine than his. I'm also thinking about our daughter, Emily. Oh, I miss them so much, I just really hope they are protecting the pack, especially Emily. I don't want anything to happen to her again. Exchanging myself with Emily's was the best plan I've ever thought of, like I said I'd rather throw myself under the bus than anyone whom I love.

"Bethany!" Nick slapped me back to earth. How I know? Well for starters there's a stinging pain on my left cheek. I just shot him a glare, which made him more angrier. " Pay the fuck attention." He snarled.

"It would've been easier to pay attention if boring words weren't coming out of that damn mouth of yours!" I argued. It's a bad move, but he seriously is pissing the fuck out of me!

"I'd be careful if I were you, little Miss.Bethany. There are consequences for those who disobey and run their mouth like there's no tomorrow." He warned.

"Well, you aren't me, so just let me go already, my hand is starting to burn from these stupid chains you have on me, I'm not a dog!" I cried out, pulling and twisting the chains.

He just started to laugh, "Oh darling, you're right, you aren't dog, but you are a prisoner until you give that necklace to me, then I'll think of sparing your life." He continues, " Oh and I wouldn't move too much, those chains have wolfsbane on it." He winked.

"For God sakes Nick, I cant give you the necklace, because if I do, I'll die!" I groan.

"I don't give a shit, give it to me, or else." He was an inch away from my face, I can smell something foul from his breath. I wanted to gauge. I screamed when I felt the knife dig into my side, all I can hear from my screams are is his evil nasty laughter.

"Or else what, Nick?" I heard a powerful voice filled with so much authority fill the entire room. We both turned around to see who it was.

"Ian." I gasped out. I'm crying because he is here, saving me.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Alpha Ian himself." Nick turned his attention from me to Ian. This is making me worry even more because this means war and I don't really want Ian to get hurt.

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