Chapter 5

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"Dipper, is what I think is going on... actually going on?"

She was deadly serious, unusual for Mabel, as she stared at me, silently begging me to say it wasn't true, her eyes alight with a small flame. She wanted me to tell her I didn't feel anything for him, that life can go on as usual, the same old routine we had got so used to. And part of me was desperate for that to be true, for me to be the same boy she grew up with. But it simply wasn't, and nothing would change that, change me.

"...Yes, okay?" I bowed my head in shame, not daring to look at her. She wouldn't understand. I didn't blame her, I barely understood it myself.

"Dipper," she rested her hand on my shoulder calmly, not freaking out like I expected her to. "Is this about Pacifica?"

It took me a couple of moments to figure out what she just said. Then I got it: she didn't believe I actually loved him. Wow. She was only so relaxed about my confession because she thought it was just a 'phase'.

"What? No, Mabel, we broke up ages ago! Do you seriously think I'm moping by pretending to fall for a demon?"

"No," she wrapped herself around me comfortingly, although it was far from comforting. "I just think you're still upset, and don't know how to move on. C'mon, the girls and I are going to a party tomorrow night at this awesome new club called 'The Hangout'. You should totally come, see if you see any cuties..."

I sighed at how she thought she could 'fix' me. Like I was broken. "Ew, no. I'm not going to some dumb club, you know that's not my thing. God, I thought at least you could accept this!"

I ran out of the room before she had a chance to reply, and she didn't follow me like I expected her to. I guess she needed to think, and so did I.

I escaped to the woods as the sun fell down, casting a pink and orange glow over the swaying trees. Eventually, I found what I was looking for: Bill's statue. I crouched beside his hand, which reached out to mine. I placed my palm in his and held him, crying on the cold hard stone.

Why couldn't Mabel accept that I loved him?


Yay, another short chapter where nothing really happens! Yeah, Mabel's kinda annoying in this at the moment, not accepting the ship ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ but Ford's still the most annoying, and always will be, so that's fine. Love you guys,
Em xx


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