Chapter 29

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The day had finally come.

I left for the woods at nightfall, twilight igniting across the indigo sky, stars blurred by the silvery crescent moon. Stan and Ford trailed behind me, trying to appear supportive, but failing. Ford's scowl was unmistakable, hiding beneath a cheesy faked smile.

"This is it," I gestured to the statue of Bill, half buried in the ground, coated in moss and earth. "I just have to take his hand, and I'll be gone from this world forever."

"Are you sure this is want you want?" Ford asked, concerned, his one last endeavour at convincing me to stay.

"More than anything," I replied sincerely, my eyes feebly reassuring him. "I know it'll be hard for you guys, and I'm sorry I have to leave you, especially now, but I'll always be with you in spirit, I swear."

I took a conscious step forward, my sneaker breaking the twigs underneath with a sharp snap. "You'll always be the Greatest Uncle, not just a Great Uncle," I said to Stan, before turning to Ford sheepishly. "And you'll always be the biggest mystery in Gravity Falls. My hero. I'll miss you both so much."

"I'll miss you too, bucko," Stan sniffed, patting me on the back. "Any chance you could come back as a ghost?"

I chuckled slightly, trying to lift the tension that pushed us further from each other. I turned hopefully to Ford, wishing he'd say he would miss me too. He stood slightly behind Stan, his arms crossed, frowning at the trees, avoiding eye contact. I scratched the back of my head disappointedly, still looking up at him, not giving up hope. I suppose he got tired of waiting, because, eventually he spoke.

"Good luck down there, boy," he crouched a bit, so he was level with me. "Watch out for Bill: you know what he can be like. And, um... if you are with Mabel, could you tell her... um, look after her, Dipper. Make sure she's safe."

"I-I will," I stammered. "Thanks for everything. I guess I've got to go now, so... bye, Stan, Ford... I'm sorry there wasn't a happier ending to all of this."

"That's life," Stan chimed in as he took a step back, giving me a bit of space. "It's not always fair, you've just got to face some things with a sense of poise and rationality. And, besides, it's not the worst ending. You're with someone you love, and that ain't so bad in my book."

"This isn't goodbye, kid," Ford went to stand by his brother. "I believe that, someday, we'll meet again, and Dipper, I look forward to that day very much."

I smiled at them, some colour returning to my pale skin. It was still hard to smile after everything we'd been through, but I managed to show them a faint glimpse of my old self, as I turned to the stone, and placed my hand on it, gently.

"I love you both so much, and that is the honest and unshakeable truth," I showed them my smile, the one they've needed to see for too long. "Don't let anybody make you feel abandoned, because you will never truly be alone. I'll always be there for you, even if you don't feel like I am, or was in the past. You will be loved forever, I promise. Don't ever forget that. Goodbye."

The familiar blackness returned to me as the forest faded from my grasp. The last thing I saw was Stan and Ford, hugging each other, crying deeply. The last word I heard was the one I had hoped in hearing for too long - sorry.


We're nearing the end... maybe one or two chapters left? Question: do you think there should be a sequel? Tell me what you think! Also, for the next 2 weeks I'll be in Florida so I'm not sure how regularly I'll be able to update, so sorry if it's slow. Love you guys,
Em xx

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