Chapter 9

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I moaned in agony as my eyes snapped open. I was tied scruffily to a tall tree, my restraint, a rope that itched against my arms uncomfortably. The trunk was littered with names etched into the bark. My head was resting beside some stupid carving Robbie had done when he was mourning his break up with Wendy, even though he never really stopped. It was kind of creepy, almost making me feel sorry for him. But I had my own problems to worry about.

"We heard you talking in the woods," a character emerged from the forestry. I looked up to see various creatures of the woodland surrounding me, all their faces a mixture of disgust and fear, gathered around my prison in a tight semi-circle. These mystical animals, those I thought were my friends, were my captors, were out to harm me.

"Why did you take me here?" I struggled the words from my parched lips, trying to piece the puzzle together, but no parts seemed to fit together.

"We heard you talking in the forbidden area of the woods," they answered after a long pause, as if strategically planning their response. As if like they were afraid.

Of me.

I struggled aimlessly with my tight restrictions, trying to loosen them, but with each pathetic wriggle, the ropes would only hold me closer. Despite this, I kept trying, like something could magically change for me. But luck was never on my side.

"Forbidden area?" I questioned in confusion, my sleepy eyes resting on a gnome by my feet, who was quivering in fear. He scuttled away, running for cover behind a manotaur, who was leaning his hulking body against a tree partially engulfed in the shadows consuming us.

"The area you wandered into has been off limits since that... incident... a couple of years ago," the manotaur explained with his gruff, masculine voice. "We saw you there, and we were about to go drag you out, but then we heard what you were saying. Look, we can't let you bring him back, Dipper. We've got family and friends, they can't go through all that again. We can't let that happen. Tell us you won't bring him back!"

He was yelling directly into my ear, his stinking breath engulfing me, his spit spraying over my face. I couldn't avoid it. I bowed my head, a single tear dashing down my cheek before I could hold it in. It was true, every word they said: I couldn't deny it, however harsh, however hard I willed it to be lies. Their families, friends, of course they wouldn't want them to struggle through another warzone. An apocalypse they thought I would cause... were they entirely wrong?

"I can't. There's a code written by the statue, which may have the answer to reviving him, but I can't crack it." I couldn't look at them anymore; their accusing eyes felt like little daggers stabbing my flesh, over and over.

"But, say you could figure it out, and found a way to bring him back. Would you do it?" A unicorn near the back spoke as her majestic horn glowed a soft shade of lilac, much softer than her judgmental tone.

I could only nod, as I imagined the terrible acts they would perform on me. And I couldn't blame them. If I were in their position, I would want to neutralise the kid that wanted the evil demon to return. The demon that destroyed their homes, their dearest friends and family. The demon that destroyed their hope.

That was when I spoke once again, uttering two words that would either give them the deepest pleasure or the hollowest guilt. I hoped it would be the second, but that was just a pipe dream, and I knew that, even then. I couldn't bring myself to believe there could be a happy ending to all of this.

"Kill me."


To be honest, I had absolutely NO idea where this chapter was going. First, I thought he'd be dreaming again, then I thought about Stan overhearing him and being the one to knock him out, and then I thought of this. But I think this is one of my favourite chapters so far, so I guess it worked out for the best. Love you guys,
Em xx

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