Chapter 4

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Gale P.O.V

Vanessa and i talked on the way back to her house. There was just something about her. I couldnt put my finger on it but their is just something different about her. I could tell that she was only halfway listing to our conversation. Why did vanessa look so petrified when she was done talking to the creepy old lady?  There were so many questions and not enough answers.

We were in front of vanessas house now. It was HUGE, unlike the two bedroom house my mom and i live in. I put my attention from the house to vanessa. She was looking at me with her perfect blue eyes.  

"Thanks this was fun" Vanessa said with a smile.

"No problem, I had a great time too" I replied returning the smile.

"Well ill see you soon then" She said as she turned towards her house.

"Wait" I caught her hand before she went into her house. She turned to look at me.

I leaned in, getting close to her perfect face. Right before i was about to kiss her when she pulled away.  I could see tears building up in her eyes.

"I-I am sorry gale, b-but i cant" is all she said before leaving to run off to her house, leaving me standing their dumbfounded. 

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