Chapter 10

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Vanessa's P.O.V

                    I was on my bed staring at the celing. I couldnt belive what happened today. I got discovered! Nobody belived them but still. What kind of mermaid goes to the beach? I should have known it would have been very easy to get discovered there. It's at the ocean! I really didnt think it through. I can really be a blond sometimes. I looked at the clock in my room, it was around eight thirty. It's kind of pathetic but I was really tired, but considering what happened today I think I have an escuse. There was a knock at my door.

                   "Who is it and what do you want' I asked harshly. i still hadnt forgave my parents for moving us a few hundred miles from my home. Hey, I can hold a grudge.

                  "It's me honey" My mom replied opening my door.

                  "And what do you want?' I asked again. Not looking at her.

                "I was just going to tell you that you start school tomarrow, I already bought you school supplies," my mom held up a backpack that I didnt notice before. "The bus comes at seven thirty and if you dont wake up i will dump a bucket of water on you she threatened.

             My eyes widened when she said that. I couldnt let her or anyone find out right now.  "But I dont want to go to school" I whined. "I go to school in Hawaii, I go to school where my HOME is' I said.

               "Well you are going to school here" She said before she walked out of my room.

                "Whatever" I muttered turning around to grab my ipod touch from my dresser. I set an alarm for six thirty, just to be sure I had enough time. After that I changed into pajamas then went into a dreamless sleep.

Gale's P.O.V

    I was riding the bus on monday morning, my best friend Tanner said "wasup man"

          "Not much" I replied taking an empty seat behind him. he turned around to face me.

            "Meet any girls?" He said with a smirk.

             "Yeah but I dont think it's going to work out" I said sadly, thinking of vanessa.

           "Well if you need any help in that department I got a whole list of girls that I dont want but are perfect for you" he said cockilly.

             "In your dreams tanner" I replied. I guess Tanner and I were kind of popular but I dont pay attention to that sort of stuff.

           "Speaking of dreams Ashley is staring at you" I didnt look at her. She was the popular girl, and to be truthful a b with an itch if you know what i mean.

             "She's not really my type" I said loud enough for Ashley to hear. It was mean, but I am not intrested in her. I still like Vanessa but I dont think I will see her anytime soon. The Bus stopped at an unfamiliar stop. Could it be ...?  Vanessa walked onto the bus. I smirked. I had the only avaliable seat.

Vanessa's P.O.V

          My alarm woke me up early, too early. I groaned not wanting to get up, but I remembered my mom's threat and quickly jumped up from my bed. I went into my bathroom about to take a shower when I remembered I cant. "Good thing I bought dry shampoo" i thought. I started doing my hair and make up as usual. Once I was finally sastified I walked into my room and changed into light blue skinny jeans, a purple cut off shirt that said love me hate me with a black tank top underneath it. I checked the time It was seven twenty. I grabbed my new backpack and went downstairs.

     I went into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of fruity pebbles. Yum, fruity pebbles are awesome! when I was done I checked my ipod touch. It was seven twenty eight. Shit! 

       "I have to go, see ya" I shouted as I ran out of the house. My parents shouted something but I didn't hear them. I ran To my driveway and stood there, now where in the hell is the bus stop? My phone buzzed. I had a new text, it was from my mom. It said 'the bus stop is right in front of the house'. Oh, that was easy. if you are wondering why my sister isn't with me it's because she's in the seventh grade. Thank god, I cant stand her enough at home but at school she would be a nightmare. 

        I saw the bus pulling up to me. It was imitating, I hate being the new girl. The doors swung open to reveal a short, fat middle aged man. "Get in he shouted" I Quickly hopped onto the bus not wanting to argue with him. I saw a bunch of kids staring at me, 'great another reason for being uncomftorable" I thought sarcastically. I looked around for an empty seat. there was one left and I saw the one person I didn't want to see. Gale.

Authors note: What did you guys think? I think I updated that chapter pretty quickly. Also I am noticing that a lot of people are adding me to there reading list and are voting but they are not my fan so if you are not a fan please fan me! if i get alot of comments, votes, reads, and fanning I will updae super soon! all of you guys are awesome! thanks for reading!




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