Chapter 18

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Picture of Angie on the side!

   Vanessa's P.O.V

     I was frozen, mouth hanging open catching flies. Way too weird. Tris was Laying next to me with an orange tail, and the unknown girl that I don't like too much at the moment standing above us. I couldn't charm them to make them forget since they discovered what I am, and I am not even sure if it works on other mermaids.

    "Thi- this isn't what it looks like" I said trying to somehow get out of this situation, which isn't going to be very easy. The two were looking at me, and not believing my lame explanation.  

    "What exactly is this then?" Tris asked, playing along. 

   "Umm, you're dreaming" I tried to convince them in a strange voice. When your desperate, you'll do anything.

   "Nice try, but I am going to say the obvious. Everybody in this room is supernatural" The nameless girl stated, crossing her arms.

   "All of us? What exactly are you?" I asked Wondering. Was she a mermaid too? Or something else entirely?

   "My names Angie, and I am a Witch" She Stated proudly.

   "A witch? Is that even possible?" I questioned.

"Look who's talking" I shrugged.

  Tris  smiled. "I knew it! I knew it! What did I tell you Angie, I knew she was like us!" Angie rolled her eyes mumbling 'Yeah,yeah'.

  "What do you mean, 'like you'" I asked, not knowing what I was getting into. 

  "You know, different" Angie answered. She seemed undeniably ok with this, while I was more on the panicked side. I thought there wern't a ton of mermaids around, maybe I was wrong.

   There was a knock at my door, "Vanessa? It's Gale, are you ready to go on our date?". Shit mother ducker. Usually I would be estatic to go on a date with Gale, but since Tris and I were currently laying on the floor of my bedroom with tails, he wasn't a person I really wanted to see right now.

 "U-um, give me a minute?" I managed to get out. Tris and Angie looked at me with shocked expressions on their faces. What, did they not expect me to have a social life?

 "Tell him to leave!" Tris wispered. I didn't want him to leave. "You want him to walk in on us? charm him!"

  Charm Gale? I didn't want to charm anyone, I think everybody deserves there own free will. Obviously, I need to make an exeption. Tris is right, if he walked in I couldn't charm him into forgetting. Sadly this was my first date, or wasn't. I sighed in annouance, "I'll do it, but only this one time". Angie and Tris agreed, I used my power to dry myself,my legs popped up in no time. 'I am getting better at this' I thought smugly.

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