Part 8

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The next couple of days seemed to pass too quickly. I had another blog to write and I had nothing. I sat staring at my laptop on the balcony for 2 days. I got distracted by the beautiful scenery, the surfers with their tanned, toned bodies, the joggers, the waves, the sunsets, the everyday circus that was Bondi Beach. All of this, however, did not give me a subject. I decided I needed to venture out and find something to write about.

I put on a bikini, shorts and packed some sunscreen, a tee, a towel & my camera into my rucksack and headed off in the general direction of the beach. My theory was I’d keep walking until something interesting caught my eye, or I ended up in Perth. I’d also packed a notepad and pen to make some notes. Of course this is the 21st Century but I do like a bit of old school every now and again. Sometimes traditional isn’t necessarily worse. I headed onto the coastal walkways that lead to Tamarama beach. Every so often I stopped to snap a few pictures and take in the view. It truly was spectacular scenery.

I was out for a good few hours and before I knew it I’d reached Bronte Beach and I must’ve taken about 500 pictures. I headed over to the kiosk to buy myself a well-earned Calippo and bottle of water when I passed a couple of familiar-looking guys.

“Hey Alex, What are you doing up this way?” a familiar voice said. It was Justin, the doorman from my building. He was dressed in a wetsuit and I only half-recognised him at first. He looked so different with a surfboard under his arm. His wetsuit was only on to the waist, exposing his very tanned and toned torso. He certainly didn’t look like this at work. He was dry so I guessed he was just about to go surfing rather than just coming back.

“Err Justin. Hi” I said “I’m exploring”

“Wow, What an adventure. Didn’t get very far did ya?” he laughed.

“Well, I..I erm, I’m looking for some inspiration for my next blog” I was slightly wounded

“So you off for a surf?” I asked instantly regretting it. Pretty obvious really.

“What gave it away?” he laughed again “Hey Whip, she asked if we’re going surfing” he turned to look over his shoulder just as Whippet came jogging up behind him.

“Ha Ha Really? Nah we’re going shark-teasing” he chuckled and winked at me.

Whippet said hello and asked how things were going with my blogs and living in Bondi. We chatted for a little while and then they both headed off into the ocean. I’d come to learn that there wasn’t much that could keep true surfers out of the water. Most people’s response to a shark sighting is to get out of the water quickly; theirs was to ask how big it was.

I sat on the sand and watched the guys for a while. They looked pretty good at it, I knew little about surfing but from conversations I’d had with some of the guys I knew that getting airbourne and tricks were the way to score points. It looked like they had some good ones up their sleeves. Not that there was room in those very tight wetsuits. They left little to the imagination – put it that way. I laid out on the sand on my towel and must’ve fallen asleep. I was rudely awoken by something very cold and wet hitting my stomach. Very cold water.

“Arrrrggh” I screamed and jumped up to see Whippet running away chuckling and Justin not far behind him. I vowed revenge on him.

“That was bloody freezing” I yelled after him. It was pointless trying to chase him. I dried myself off and headed back up to the beach to the promenade to start the walk back to the apartment. I saw Maxi and another one of the lifeguards, Jesse in the Rhino on the way. Maxi called me over to say hi. We chatted and they were asking me for ideas for a prank they could pull.

“It needs to be a good one” Maxi said “He doesn’t fall for things easily”

“Yeah, he’s very suspicious” Jesse added

“Who? Who are you trying to get?” I asked

“Whippet” They both chimed in together

“Ahhh, now then. I think I might wanna be a part of that. He’s just soaked me down on the beach. Doesn’t he ALWAYS seem to be at the centre of all the pranks?” I asked

“Yeah, he does actually. Now you mention it” Maxi said “So do you have anything in mind?”

“Yeah, I have a couple of little plans. Leave it with me. The less people that know, the better” I winked. Maxi gave me his number and I promised to text him when I’d decided on the details. I would definitely need their help.

“So are you coming to Taco’s birthday tomorrow?” Maxi asked

“Err, no I’m not”

“You should, it’s gonna be epic” Jesse said

“I’m not invited” I replied

“Everyone’s invited” Maxi nodded “And we’re inviting you now” He smiled and they both genuinely seemed to want me to go so I agreed. I’m not sure why I didn’t ask where this party was but I guess I just assumed it was a normal party with a bar and maybe a buffet. No, no, no this was the lifeguards. Nothing was ever that boring. 

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