Part 17

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I woke up in an awkward position on the sofa with a fluffy blanket wrapped around me. I decided that I was going to keep myself as busy as I possibly could while Itchy was away. That way, in theory anyway the time would go quicker. I’d decided that I would visit Doris in the morning & afternoon at the hospital & then the evenings I could use to write up my blog and do my research. I’d started to run out of ideas and the pressure was starting to pile up. The next 2 weeks flew by I’d hardly had time to think about missing Itchy. I did though, visiting Doris helped. She told me lots of stories about him. Ones she probably shouldn’t have. I’d grown quite fond of Doris, although it was exhausting shuttling backwards and forwards to the hospital on the bus. They told me that she could be released but she would need care at home. I agreed in Itchy’s absence to be her home carer. I couldn’t really say no, if I had she would have had to stay in hospital. When I left the hospital I got a text from Charlie inviting me to a party at hers. I told her I’d have to see. I shouldn’t go. I had loads of stuff to do but I needed a laugh and someone else’s company other than Doris’s or my own. I was exhausted.  

I got a couple of messages from the other guys asking me to go. They were calling it Charlie’s All Clear party. I didn’t understand so I phoned Reidy.

He caught me up on Charlie’s situation.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I’ve missed all this. Why did no-one tell me sooner?” I scolded him

“Sorry, We knew you’d been busy visiting Doris and Charlie really didn’t want that many people to know” he apologised “the only reason she’s telling people now is because she’s been given the all clear – hence the party. So I really think you should come. Even if it’s just for an hour or so. It’ll do you good” he said.

He was right. I should go. I just needed to type up my latest blog. I promised him I’d make an appearance after I’d posted my blog. I quickly hashed something together and uploaded. It wasn’t up to my usual standard but it was all I could manage. I made a mental note to make sure I prepped the next one properly, after all this was the whole reason I was in Australia.

I got changed into a summer dress, I really had no idea what the etiquette was for a house party in Oz. I brushed out my hair from the low ponytail I’d worn all day and let my hair hang loose. When I arrived at Charlie’s apartment, it was Tom who opened the door.

“Charlie’s just gone out for some more beers and supplies, Come in” he said.

Before I knew it I’d been “persuaded” to sing karaoke. Something I never really liked to do in public. I could hold a tune but I was no Mariah or Whitney. Charlie joined me and we sang Girls Aloud’s Something New. We sang pretty well together. It was nice having a female friend in Bondi, the guys were great in welcoming me but sometimes I got bored of trying to be interested in surfing & sports. It was nice to have someone to talk about handbags, shoes and guys with. I had such a good time, I’d almost forgotten how tired I was. But it did hit me when I sat down next to Chappo on the sofa.

The alcohol and exhaustion had caught me up and I rested my head on Chappo’s shoulder and must have dozed off. I don’t know how long I was out for but I panicked. These guys had a nasty habit of pranking people who fell asleep at parties. I checked my face and after reassurances from Tom that I was fine (he always seemed to be the honest one) I decided it was probably time for me to head home. Tom and Chappo walked me back to my apartment to make sure I got home safe. 

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