Part 20

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The next day I spent totally on my writing, I’d arranged to attend an awards ceremony in the evening for courageous community heroes so I had a bit of research and prep work to do. I figured there would be some amazing stories for me to write up for my blog. Itchy was working and even though I didn’t see him it made me smile when I looked over to the beach from my balcony.

I dressed into my long baby blue chiffon dress. It was pinched in at the waist with a sweetheart neckline emphasizing my cleavage. The fabric had a pretty crossover pattern across the bust. I accessorised with some silver diamante heels and a silver clutch bag. I kept the jewellery simple diamond droplet earrings and a single diamond pendant necklace – a set I’d been given for Christmas by my parents. The most expensive jewellery I owned. I twisted my hair into a sophisticated up do with a few long strands left hanging loose around my face.

As I stood admiring myself in the mirror I realised how amazing my own life had become in such a short space of time. Here I was dressed to the nines, going to a glittering awards ceremony. Life couldn’t get better than this. I took out my camera phone and snapped a selfie, I scrubbed up pretty well.

The evening was superb, brilliant stories from everyday people that had overcome adversity in their lives or carried out a heroic act. I managed to get interviews with most of the winners and a couple of the other nominees. By 10pm the show was winding down and I wanted to get back home and jot down my notes while it was all still fresh in my mind.

As I stepped into my building I heard a wolf-whistle from behind the desk

“Justin, how are you? I haven’t seen you for a while” I said to the familiar face behind the counter

“I went to Bali for a few weeks surfing, the waves were pumping” he replied “You look lovely tonight, been anywhere nice?”

“Yeah, I went to an awards ceremony. It was great thanks. I’m off to type up my notes now while its all still fresh. Couple of glasses of Champagne so might not be so clear in the morning ha ha” I waved as I stepped into the lift.

I took one final look in the mirror before stepping out of the dress, who knows when I’d get the opportunity to wear something like that again. I unpinned my hair and pulled it loosely into a scrunchie, put on my jersey shorts and a comfy tee, grabbed my laptop and plonked myself on the sofa.

Just as I began to type my phone rang, it startled me as it was so late who could be ringing me at this time of night. The horror struck me Doris, I jumped up and ran to the kitchen counter. As I looked at the screen the display said Charlie.

“Hello” by the time I’d answered my voicemail had kicked in.

I re-dialled her number, she took a little while to answer so I assumed she’d just pocket-dialled me.

“Charlie, Are you ok?” I asked when she finally picked up

I could hear a voice on the other end but it sounded muffled and I couldn’t make out the words.

“Hello? You there?” I asked again

“Alex, Help me” the voice was again faint but a little louder this time.

“Charlie, I can’t hear you”

“Car....crash” Fear struck me as I realised what she was saying

“Charlie, Are you ok?” I slowed down my words to emphasize

“my me please” she begged down the phone.

“Car crash?” I clarified “Where are you?”

As I was talking I ran into the bedroom and grabbed my trainers and slipped them on, tucking the laces in the sides. There was no time for tying them (and I didn’t have a spare hand)

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