Part 11

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I locked myself away in the apartment for the next couple of days. I just had to get my blog ideas typed up. I figured if I got my head down I could get ahead a little bit and maybe take some time off. The problem with writing for a living is that you have to write when the ideas come, not just at set hours. Writers block was a regular visitor when I was under pressure. Now I don’t mean to make it sound like I was in prison for those few days – my apartment was absolutely stunning. A view of the surf from my balcony, beautiful sunny days – how could anyone complain about that? Bondi was full of distractions and I am so very easily distracted.

By the end of the week I’d pretty much had enough of sitting on my balcony, I’d managed to type up my next 2 blogs and noted down some ideas that would keep me going for a few more weeks. I took out my To-Do planner and wrote down a few bits I had to organise in order to finish those blogs. Interviews to arrange, things to see and do – there was plenty to keep me busy. I decided to go grab some lunch and sit on the beach for a while. I packed a bag – living in a hot country meant a day on the beach needed a bag like an Everest expedition. Water – to keep hydrated, Sunscreen – pink is not a good colour on me, Ipad to keep me entertained, Notebook – just in case I came across anything interesting, Camera – ditto, Phone - on the off chance someone needed me (although it was early morning in the UK and not many people in Bondi had my number), Purse - wouldn’t be able to get lunch without it, Towel – to sit on, that sand was HOT, and a cap – sunstroke was not on my agenda.

I bought a sandwich from the cafe down the street and headed over to the beach. I found a spot in front of the Tower and set up my little camp. I popped in my headphones and started to check my Twitter and Facebook pages. It was the only way I was managing to keep in touch with my friends back home. The time difference meant that most of the time they were up, I was in bed and vice versa. I replied to a few messages and responded to some birthday invites with “Sorry I can’t be there, I’m in Australia on Bondi Beach ;-)” which made me chuckle. God they must hate me for that but it was the best excuse I’d ever given – and it was true for a change.

After a little while I noticed a guy on the beach just in front of me. He was stood up but wasn’t facing the water which most people are. I assumed he was looking at the Tower behind me and went back to my Ipad. Ten more minutes passed and he was still looking up at the Tower. I turned around to see what it was that had captivated his attention so much. There were no lifeguards on the veranda or anywhere near the Tower building, Nothing was going on along the promenade, a few people walking, jogging, cycling, taking pictures. Certainly nothing that would warrant that amount of attention. I looked back and he smiled at me and raised a hand to wave. I again looked behind me to see who he was waving at. There was no-one responding to his gesture. Oh lord, he was waving at me!!

He started to walk towards me. I quickly put my head down and pretended to read.

“Hello” he said as he got a few feet from me

“Err Hi” I said glancing up at him and quickly back down again.

I’d say he was in his late twenties or early thirties, very tanned and was wearing a polo top and chino-type trousers which were rolled up to the knees.

“You want to go swimming with me?” he asked

I looked up and had to shield the sun from my face with my hand.

“Err No thanks, I’m good” I replied.

“You want to take a walk with me” he asked

“No, no I’m fine right here” I said

“What’s your name? My name is Antonio“

“Err my name is Alex” I tried to be friendly but I wasn’t in the mood to meet strange guys on the beach. There was something about him that was slightly creepy.

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