Part 14

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I popped back home to get changed and we’d agreed to grab some food at the Bucket List. Itchy was sat outside the Tower on the steps waiting for me. I’d managed to shower, dress & blow-dry in 25 minutes that was pretty good going for me. Since I was treating this as a date I’d chosen to wear a white & blue dress with some low heels. Itchy was a couple of inches taller than me so I didn’t need to wear flats but I also didn’t want to fall on my ass either. He stood up as I walked over, I felt him looking me up and down. By the look on his face - he approved.

“Will I do?” I swished my dress around.

“You look lovely” he smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek. I felt my face flush. I wasn’t used to hearing compliments. I pulled him in for a proper kiss. I lingered on his lips, the sun was now setting on the horizon. It truly was magical.

We walked hand in hand over to the Bucket List. We chose a table and looked through the menu.

“Hmm I think I fancy good old Fish & Chips” I announced closing the menu before anything else could sway my attention. I was usually quite indecisive when it came to choosing food, especially when dining out.

“Yeah think I’ll have that too”

We ordered food and a few drinks and got chatting away. A couple of the other lifeguards came into the bar - ones I didnt know I think they must have been clubbies from the Surf Club, They walked over to say Hi. I just assumed they’d sit with us but Itchy shook his head and told them to go away.

“Can’t you see were trying to have a date here guys” he said. The guys looked at me, then Itchy, apologised and left to go and sit at the other side of the bar.

“I don’t mind if you want them to sit with us” I told him.

“No, no I see enough of them already besides I want you all to myself” he winked. I melted.

I blushed and fiddled with a ring on my finger. It was my nervous little twitch. I really didn’t know what to say. I wanted to do cartwheels along the promenade but I managed to restrain myself, fiddling with jewellery was the next best thing.

“So did you enjoy your surf lesson today then?” he asked. I think he sensed my nervousness.

“Yeah I did, Thanks again. We should do it again. When’s your next day off?” I asked

“Erm well that’s something that I have to tell you” he replied

Oh god, I felt my tummy lurch. Why did that always sound so bad? I felt a rush of dread wash over me.

“Don’t look so worried” he said “It’s not that bad. I have to go to Bali to work for a few weeks so I’m not going to be here next week”

“Oh right” I said “that’s not that bad. When do you leave?”

“I fly out on Friday morning. Mouse is already there. Me & Beardy are meeting him there”

“Oh” I tried not to look too disappointed but I couldn’t help it. We were just starting to get to know each other properly. I could feel us getting closer but him leaving for weeks, where would that leave us? I desperately wanted to ask but couldn’t find the words. Thankfully our food arrived which gave me a minute to regain my composure.

We chatted about the film project he was going to be filming in Bali and the other guys in the crew. He’d worked with most of them before on other film projects. I was surprised at how much film experience he’d had. I could see he loved doing it. There was a sparkle in his eye as he went into detail about the process of making a documentary. He made it sound interesting too, even though I was slightly distracted by the questions running round my head over where we stood and the insecurities in our new relationship.

When we finished our food, he reached over the table and took my hand in his.

“I am coming back you know” he smiled and I felt a little more at ease “and I want us to carry on from here when I do” he winked and raised my hand to plant a kiss on my knuckle.

 Oh my, it was like he’d read my mind.

Just then, his phone rang. He ignored it and stared deeply into my eyes but straight away it rang again. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the screen.

“Hello” he spoke to the person on the other end of the phone. His face changed. I got the feeling that it wasn’t good news. 

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