Part 12

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We walked the short distance across Campbell Parade to my building and Itchy held the door open for me to enter.

“Err Do you want to come in for a bit?” I said. Why did those words never sound natural coming from me? I’d come over all awkward and felt like an idiot. The puzzled look on his face made me regret that last question.

“Oh no, it’s fine. I just thought.. just though you might want a brew. But err.. im sure you have stuff to do. It’s fine. No honestly, forget I asked” I babbled

He laughed.

“Well I was gunna say yes, but if you don’t want me to” he paused

“Ahh right” I took a breath “ok then, come in then”

We walked across the lobby to the lift and I nodded at the guy behind the reception desk. It wasn’t Justin, it was another new face. I wondered how many of them there actually were.

“It’s a nice building” Itchy tried to get the conversation going again

“Um yes it is. I didn’t choose it. It’s paid for by the publishers that I work for. They chose a good one though, didn’t they? The location is brilliant and I can see the surf from my balcony too. It’s awesome for when I’m writing” Again I was rambling.

Why was I so nervous? I’d been around him loads of times before but now something was different. I slowed my breathing down. I could feel my heart pounding and I swear he must have heard it. We walked into the apartment and his eyes were drawn to the balcony – as mine had been the first time I walked in.

“Wow, this is an awesome place” he walked straight over to the balcony “I didn’t realise how good the views were from these apartments”

He pulled open the sliding glass doors and stepped out. He looked up to the North and South to see how far the view stretched. I could tell he was a little surprised.

“I think you almost have as good a view as we get in the Tower” he laughed.

I stepped back inside and went to make the drinks. I was hoping that I’d have some coffee in. I never drank the stuff so it’s not something I would normally have. I was hoping that the little welcome supplies pack would have some in it. I took another moment in the kitchen to steady myself and regulate my breathing.

“Come on Alex, this is Liam. You’ve known him for a while now and he’s just another guy. He’s just a lifeguard. Yeah who just happens to have rescued you from a complete nutter who would probably have murdered you” I muttered to myself. Clearly talking to myself was not going to help my nerves.

I reached up into the cupboard to grab two mugs and dropped one onto the counter, which then bounced off onto the floor and smashed into a million pieces.

“Shit” I squealed

“Are you alright? What happened?”  Itchy heard the crash and came back inside, into the kitchen. He looked down at the floor and saw me picking up the broken bits of pottery.

“Yes, yes I’m fine” I reassured him “it’s just me being my usual clumsy self” I was now grabbing at the big pieces and stuffing them inside some newspaper.

“Hey be careful , you’ll cut yourself” he said crouching down to help me.

“Ouuuuchh” I recoiled, shoving my finger in my mouth “Too late”

He grabbed my hand and pulled it out of my mouth. “Come here, let me see”

He walked me over to the sink and turned on the tap to rinse it under the cold water. It wasn’t a major cut but it still hurt, partly because I was so angry at myself for being such an idiot.

“Its fine” I said “It’s only a tiny cut”

“Well that’s no excuse not to clean it and dress it properly” he smiled “you don’t want it getting infected now do you? Don’t worry I’m fully qualified in First Aid”

“Ahh I see, so tell me Mr First Aider, Will I lose the finger?” I chuckled. I was starting to relax a bit now. I’d clearly blown it and stood no chance of him having any interest in a klutz like me.

“Well I dunno” he looked intently at my cut and lifted it up and down “might be touch and go but I’ll see what I can do”

I giggled. I sat on the barstool by the kitchen sink and pointed to a cupboard at the side of the sink when he asked where my First Aid kit was.

He washed my wound and wiped it with an antiseptic wipe and put a plaster on. He was taking his time and being very gentle. I got those butterflies in my tummy again. It was nice being looked after for a change.

“There you go, good as new” he held up my hand and then kissed my finger “All better”

I think I actually felt my heart skip a beat or two. I looked at him, straight in the eye and he was staring intently back. I could feel the static between us. He was mesmerising. We held each other’s gaze for what seemed like an hour but it was probably only a few seconds. He still had hold of my hand.  I pulled him towards me and our lips met. It was the most explosive kiss I’ve ever had. My heart was beating so hard in my chest I thought it was going to burst out.

“Wow, that was unexpected” I said and laughed “oh god I sure say some dumb stuff sometimes”

He laughed too, he had an awesome laugh and the smile spread across his whole face. It was infectious. “So shall I make these coffees then?” he asked.

“Err yeah you best had, as I’m injured” I lifted up my hand “But I don’t have coffee. Tea for me please”

I schooled him on the finer points of making a good old English brew and we went to stand out on the balcony to watch the sunset. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. I was still so nervous around him but he put me at ease. I had a thousand thoughts running through my head. What just happened? Where was it going? Was it going to go anywhere?

“You’ve gone quiet” he whispered.  I snapped back from the endless questions in my head.

“Yeah I was just taking in the view” I lied. No point in showing my insecurities at this point.

“Yeah it’s beautiful isn’t it? Hey I’m off tomorrow do you wanna come surfing with me?”

“Ha ha Ahh now how do I break this to you?” He looked puzzled at me.

“I don’t surf” I announced. I’d never tried. I had no-one to teach me and we never got any waves back in Broadmeads so it was something I’d just not tried. Living in Bondi, everyone surfed and I felt like a bit of a loser showing my ineptitude so I just hadn’t had the nerve to try it out. I was waiting for a day when there was no-one on the beach. But then again, knowing my clumsiness it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea to try it solo either.

“Really?” He turned me round to face him. These Australians really didn’t understand that us Brits did not spend 90% of our time in the sea. It was quite amusing. Being in the ocean was a way of life to these guys. I guess that’s why they were all so good at their jobs.

“I’ll teach you then?”

“No thanks, I’m not a great swimmer” I protested. It was true. I could swim a little but I’d not been in the ocean much and I was petrified of the strong currents.

“Hey I’ll look after you. I promise you’ll be safe”

“But I don’t have a wetsuit” I hoped that excuse would let me off.

“I’m sure Charlie will have one she can lend you. You’re about the same size. I’ll message her now and you can pick it up from the Tower in the morning”

He tapped out a text message on his phone and clicked send before I had a chance to think of another excuse. Oh well I guess I was gonna give surfing a go. 

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