Part 25

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I woke the next morning, alone in bed. I assumed Itchy had either gone home or gone for a surf. I picked up my phone from the dresser beside the bed. No messages, that was weird. He usually left me a note or at least sent me a message to tell me he’d gone. I threw on an oversized tee and headed into the kitchen.

Itchy was stood there in his Hugh Hefner costume from the fancy dress party. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“One good thing about this outfit” he smiled “I’m ready for bed all day”

“Oh you are now are you?” I winked and stepped closer to him, planting a kiss on his cheek “so why did you leave me in bed alone then?”

“Well I thought I’d make you breakfast” he smiled gesturing to the 2 bowls of fruit he’d prepared.

“Wow looks lovely, I thought you’d left me to go surfing”

“No, I’m gonna leave you to get some work done after breakfast so I can go surfing but I couldn’t leave you to go hungry now could I?” he winked “and we need to make sure you get your blog done on time so I can wake up next to your beautiful face for many more mornings to come”

He really did know how to melt my heart, without even knowing it. There was no doubt about it I was in love with this guy.

We took our bowls of fruit and sat out on the balcony.

“So how are the plans going for the fundraiser?” he asked

“Erm, really well actually. We have a lot of stuff to be auctioned. Whip’s persuaded Kid Mac to perform for us. It should be a good night. Me & Charlie just have to go into the city later in the week to pick up some decorations and we’re sorted for Saturday” I replied

“Oh right, well let me know if you need any help with the set up and I can get some of the guys in to help you – you know with the lifting and stuff”

“What?” I glared “Are you trying to say that me & Charlie are weaklings that need a guys help? I’ll have you know that I know how to use power tools” I teased.

“No, no that’s not how I meant it. God, I wouldn’t dare say anything like that. Charlie would kill me” he laughed.

 “I can imagine” I winked “but thanks. I will bear it in mind”

After breakfast, Itchy went off to meet Luke & Whippet for a surf at Bronte and I sat doing the write up to my blog on the charity fundraiser. I began by doing some research on the Childrens Hospital. I got a text message from Charlie. She would pick me up on Thurs morning to go shopping for the supplies. I replied saying it was fine and carried on with the editorial bits for my blog.

I gathered quite a bit of info together, and compiled a list of questions that I wanted to ask the special guests. I also compiled a list of photos that I’d need to get to go along with the write up. This fundraiser was going to be hard work, very hard work and I could not afford to be distracted by enjoying myself.

On Thursday morning, as promised, Charlie pulled up outside my building – in Mouse’s car. He’d leant it to her while he was at work on the beach. Lord knows what she had to promise to get him to actually give him the keys. He leant his pride & joy to no-one. Ever.

“How on earth did you get the keys to this?” I asked as I chucked my bag on the back seat and jumped in the passenger seat.

“ha ha well I had to promise to name our first child Mouse Jnr” she laughed “Well I told him we were gonna have to walk into the city if we didn’t have a car”

“Ahh tugging on his heart strings, I like it. Charlie. Bravo” I said clapping my hands together.

We headed to a huge shopping centre in the city centre. I was so glad Charlie was driving she was so much more used to city driving than me. Sydney traffic was notoriously bad.

We spent hours trawling round for bunting, banners, balloons, table decorations, gift wrap for the raffle boxes, raffle ticket books, Marker pens & card. Thankfully Charlie had a full list of everything we needed. I just had a rough idea and was going to wing it with the rest.

“We can’t just wing it” Charlie laughed as I told her my plan. That’s when she pulled out her little notepad with her numerous lists in. As we bought each item she meticulously crossed it off. If it had been up to me we’d have been there for days not hours.

We walked back laden with all the bags back to the car.

“Icebergs for tea and some well-deserved refreshments” I said “my treat. Because we’d still be there next week If it wasn’t for your lists”

We stepped into the lift and Charlie pressed the button for the 4th floor. Just as the doors started to close we heard someone yell to hold the lift so Charlie pressed the hold doors button.

The tall blonde lady who stepped in was absolutely stunning looking, she looked familiar. As the lift started it suddenly hit me who she was. I mouthed to Charlie “oh my god, that’s Pink!!!”

Charlie looked and looked back at me. The woman sensed our stunned silence

“Wow, you guys really know how to shop?” she smiled.

“ha ha err yeah but this isn’t for us” I said “its for a charity fundraiser we’re holding on Saturday for the Childrens hospital”

“Oh wow, that’s awesome” she said smiling “Would some tickets to my show next week be any good for you guys to raffle?”

“Are you kidding? That would be amazing” Charlie said, hardly believing our luck “thank you so much that’s so generous of you”

“No problem at all. Where are you guys holding it and I’ll get the tickets and some signed stuff sent over”

“Its at the Beach Road Hotel in Bondi, on Saturday. Thank you again. We really appreciate it”

We all stepped out of the lift and I frantically searched around in my bag for a pen and some paper. Charlie wrote down our details and the hotel details on the paper and passed it to Pink.

“I’m Charlie and this is Alex” she said as she handed over the paper.

“Well I’m Alicia, lovely to meet you ladies. Keep up the good work” and off she went.

“OH MY GOD” I tried not to squeal within earshot of Pink who was still walking across the car park.

“I know. Did we really just speak to Pink and land some concert tickets?” she was as shocked as I was.

We walked to the car, chucked all the bags on the back seat and got in. We both looked at each other and somehow knew what we were thinking. Charlie turned the stereo on, and turned it up. Loud, very very loud.

“Arrrrgggghhhh” we both screamed at the top of our lungs and bounced about in our seats. After a good minute, we’d managed to reign the excitement in. Charlie turned down the stereo to a normal level and we set off back to Bondi.

“SHIT” Charlie said pulling up to a red light

“What?” I asked

“We didn’t ask her for an autograph for Whippet. He is her biggest fan. He is going to kill me for not asking her. Oh well I guess that means he’ll blow the dust bunnies outta that wallet of his and bid on those tickets we just landed” she replied. 

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