Part 24

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Doris was rushed to the hospital. She’d had a fall and because of the pain and shock had suffered a heart attack. The paramedics think that the fall had occurred earlier that morning and she had only been on the floor for a couple of hours. They also thought that her heart attack had only happened moments before I got there so that’s why I was able to resuscitate her. We both spent the night in the waiting room at the hospital – desperate for updates. Neither of us wanted to leave but there wasn’t much talk between us either. We were both numb from the day’s events. After nodding off a couple of times and fighting to stay awake Itchy finally made me lie down and rest my head in his lap. He’d taken off his overshirt which he rolled into a ball and made a makeshift pillow for me. I made him promise me that he’d wake me if he had any news.

A few hours later we were both asleep. Itchy had slumped in his chair and had his head rested on the wall. The door opened and the doctor came in. I sat up quickly.

“Hi I’m Doctor Adams. I’ve seen Doris and I’m pleased to say that she’s doing fine. She’s out of danger and is on the mend” he smiled.

“What caused the heart attack?” Itchy asked

“Well we’re not sure but it was probably the shock” the Doctor said “She was on the floor for a couple of hours and the shock from the fall and the cold from the floor sent her body into shock and her heart just couldn’t take it. From what I hear she was lucky to have you guys around. You saved her life”

“No no it wasn’t me, It was all this legend here” Itchy said putting his arm around me”

As Doris was out of danger at that point, the doctor wouldn’t let us stay so we headed back to Itchy’s apartment. He was quiet on the journey home. I could tell he was still worried. That night was the first night there was no discussion about whose apartment we were staying in or whether we were sleeping alone. I knew he needed me by his side, and I needed him. We curled up in bed and held each other tightly. The following couple of days were a haze of work, hospital and taking supplies to Itchy at work on the beach. He floated between his apartment, work at the beach and work at the film company. We were invited by Charlie to a Halloween fancy dress party at Whippets house. Doris had been released from the hospital and was on the mend. Neither of us really wanted to go but we both needed the break. I’d managed to get us matching outfits, I went as a Playboy bunny and Itchy went as Hugh Hefner. We looked pretty good, that was the first time I’d ever co-ordinated an outfit with anyone, and the first time I actually felt like we were a proper couple. It was good to be able to let our hair down – even for a few hours.  Itchy had the most amazing laugh. It was good to hear him laugh again, even if it was at my expense. The guys had devised a game which involved sending me, Charlie & Meg (Charlies sister) to an abandoned house and scaring the bejesus out of us. I took off running down the street – it took Itchy a couple of blocks to catch up with me. The party was amazing just what we needed.

We left Whippets house and walked back to my apartment. On the way, Itchy asked me about a conversation we’d had a few days before over dinner at Charlie’s house.

“I’ve had a really good time tonight” Itchy said

“Yeah me too, I’m glad we agreed to come” I smiled.

“So, could you really be sent home?” He asked, I could tell he was concerned

“I don’t know” I said “I guess I got a bit too caught up in the whole living the Bondi life thing and got distracted from the real reason I’m here. I love my life here. You, the guys, Charlie, the beach but I have to remember that my job pays for me to be here and also pays for that beautiful apartment that we’re heading to”

“I’m sorry” he looked hurt, and stared at the floor

“For what?” I asked

“For distracting you, and for all the drama”

“What? No it is not your fault” I stopped in the street. I pulled his hand so we were facing each other. I looked him in the eyes and said “YOU are the reason I’m enjoying my time here so much. Please don’t think you are a distraction, Liam”

I pulled him closer and kissed him gently.

“It has been my choice to do everything I have and you were away in Bali. Please don’t worry, I’m focused again now so everything should be ok” I tried to reassure him. The truth was I wasn’t sure myself. I hoped everything was going to be ok but typical of me, I was in denial.

Always prepared to help others but never prepared to admit when I needed help.

He seemed to accept my explanation and we carried on walking. I tried to change the subject and asked him about his latest film project.

“It’s going really well” he said. His eyes lit up. I loved how excited he got when he spoke about the things he was passionate about “I’m just editing the final bits at the moment. I’ve got some really good footage from Bali” he said. His project was about Aussies who migrate to Bali to “chase the summer”. At the end of the Australian summer they head over to Bali and either find work or just party & surf for the winter months before heading back to Australia for the next season. I found the idea so interesting. Living in England, most Brits stay put the entire year never moving more than 30 miles from where they were born. Australia was different. Many Aussies wouldn’t think twice about packing up and moving coasts or countries even, for work or at the end of the summer. It had been such a huge decision for me to move to the other side of the world.

I just prayed now that I could stay.

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