The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Tess had woken up before me apparently. I looked at my phone and realized that I had plenty of time to eat and get ready for my first class. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, yawning.
“You made me breakfast?!” I said with a smile.
“Yes, of course honey! Nothing but the best for you!” Tess said in a weird, high pitched, southern accent. She could be so random sometimes.
I grabbed a plate and scooped some cheesy scrambled eggs onto it, along with a few pieces of crispy bacon. Tess actually could cook pretty well. Better than I could, anyways. I liked baking a lot better, and I was a stronger baker than she was, so I guess that worked out pretty well.
“Damn, I’m a good cook!” Tess announced as she finished her plate.
“Please, Tess, don’t be so humble!” I answered sarcastically. After I took my last bite of breakfast, my phone rang. I was amazed to see that it was my mom. I figured she wouldn’t talk to me until I went home to visit.
“Hey Mom,” I answered, setting my plate in the sink so I could wash it later.
“Hi Lena. You don’t have class right now, do you?” she asked.
“Mom, why would I answer my phone if I was in class or about to go to it?” I wondered.
“I don’t know, I guess you wouldn’t. I had to check. Anyways, I know I should have called sooner, but I wanted to tell you congratulations on the internship. That’s really amazing that they chose you!” I had expected my mom to lie through her teeth about it, but she actually sounded happy for me. She seemed to understand how big of a deal it was, and she sounded like she was proud. Her telling me congrats actually made my morning.
“Thanks, Mom. It is really awesome, I’m excited for it”
“I bet. You should have told me, though!” she said.
“Well it doesn’t sound like I needed to! The only person I told was Brian and all of a sudden my phone started blowing up! I was going to tell you and dad, but it was kind of late so I figured I’d wait until morning, and then the news had already reached everyone,” I explained myself.
“I know, I know. Well I know you’re busy so I’ll let you go, I just wanted to say congrats.”
“Okay, Mom. Thanks for calling.”
“You’re welcome Lena. Bye, I love you. Good luck on your tests!”
“Bye, I love you too, Mom.”
I went to my room and looked through my closet for something to wear. I grabbed yoga pants from Victoria’s Secret and I found a tank top and a hoodie to match. Nobody even tried to look good during finals week. It was comfy sweats, leggings, and yoga pants all day, every day. I changed and went into the bathroom once Tess was done with it. It wasn’t very big, so if we wanted it at the same time, it was a bit of a struggle.
I washed my face and brushed my teeth and then put on a little mascara to put a little emphasis on my bright, blue eyes. I pulled my long, wavy, dark brown hair back into a messy bun and I was satisfied. I very rarely wore my hair up unless I was playing hockey, but this was just one of those days. I had been growing it out for a while, and I had finally gotten it to the mermaid length that I wanted, so I wore it down all the time. Not for exams, though.
Tess and I watched TV for a few minutes and then we left for our classes. I had three that day. I wasn’t looking forward to them, but at least they weren’t classes that I completely hated.
The day did pass slowly, but I had breaks in between classes to relax a little and eat. When I got home for the night, I felt relieved. My tests were over. The next day was Friday. All I had was a morning class with Tess, the one that we had written papers for. The papers were basically our finals for the class, so I was done.
“Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!” I sang in a gospel voice when I walked into the apartment. It looked like Tess had just gotten home right before me.
“Don’t rub it in that you’re done with tests! I still have one more tomorrow!” Tess said, and I laughed at her.
“Wow, that really sucks!” I said, and Tess playfully punched me.
“If it makes you feel better, I brought you Chipotle,” I announced, setting the bag on the counter. Tess and I loved Chipotle, but everyone who knew me well knew that I had an unhealthy obsession with it. I probably loved it a little too much, but I couldn’t help it. I never got tired of it.
“Yes! Thanks Lean,” she said, grabbing her burrito bowl and a can of Coke.
We sat at the kitchen table and ate. Tess studied for her last test while we did. She didn’t study for long before she gave up, though. Both of us were over the whole finals week thing. We were ready for a much needed break. Of course, mine wouldn’t be all that much of a break, since I’d be learning and working at the United Center, but at least it would be fun.
Tess and I decided to go to the local gym for a little bit after we ate. We didn’t go now as often as we used to, but we stayed in shape by playing hockey for the most part, so we didn’t think it was that bad to only go sometimes.
We decided it was a cardio night. We did ellipticals, treadmills, and bikes until we had worked up a good sweat. When we left the gym, we ran into a few really cute guys, and I felt ridiculous. I was sure I smelled terrible and I could feel the sweat dripping off of my forehead. I awkwardly smiled at them and Tess and I tried to get away quickly.
“Why could we have seen them when we walked in? We actually looked okay then!” Tess complained. We laughed about it and headed home. We took turns with the shower, and as soon as we were done, we both crashed. Apparently the gym had exhausted us.
My alarm woke me up early the next morning, and I actually wasn’t as tired as I normally was when I had to get up for the earliest class in my schedule. I was thankful that I had gone to bed early. Tess usually got up later than I did, but only by a few minutes. When I didn’t hear her alarm go off, I went in her room and threw a few decorative pillows at her. I was a much better wake up alarm than the one on her phone anyways.
We didn’t do much in our morning class. We basically got a lecture that was a preview to what we’d be learning about in the next semester after we turned our papers in. After class I said bye to Tess, since I would leave for my parents’ house soon and she still had another class to attend before she left. We had grown up in the same town, so we would be seeing each other all the time still. No big deal.
I went home and got a bag together for my parents’ house. I would only be there for a few days. I had originally planned to stay there for the entire winter break, but with the internship, it wasn’t a good idea anymore. The apartment Tess and I lived at was just a few minutes outside of Chicago, but my hometown was a bit of a drive away. I didn’t want to have to take the long drive for the whole break because of the time and the gas money, so I would be there for a few days, go back to the apartment, and then visit again for Christmas.
Once I had everything I needed, I put it in my car and I got in. I put the key in the ignition and soon I was on my way. I was going home.

The Hockey Life - A Patrick Kane Fanfic
FanfictionTwenty two year old Lena Stratton loves hockey. It has been a huge part of her life ever since she was born. As a dedicated hockey player and Blackhawks fan, she is extremely excited when she finds out that she has been chosen for an internship with...