In Patrick’s P.O.V.
We decided to take my car to the beach, since it was the roomiest. Before we were able to go to the beach, I went to Johnny’s place to pick him up. He hopped in the back with Tess and Lena was in the front with me.
“You two behave yourselves back there,” I warned them when we took off again from Jonathan’s place.
“You two behave yourselves up there,” Jonathan retaliated.
“I’m driving, Tazer. I have no choice but to behave,” I told him. I was sure that he wanted to keep going, but he wasn’t able to come up with anything else to say, so he shut up.
The drive was sort of long, just because we decided to get away from the city so we could be at a roomier beach. When we got to our destination, I was extremely surprised to see that it wasn’t all that busy. I wasn’t complaining, though. I wanted to be able to just relax and have fun without being bothered.
I grabbed the beach bag that the girls brought after I parked and we all got out and quickly made our way through the sand since it was burning hot from the sun. We found a nice, private spot midway between the water and some dunes. We laid down our towels and stepped on them as soon as we could just to give our feet some relief.
“Do you want to get in the water?” I asked Lena. To be completely honest, I was very ready to see how good she looked in her swimsuit. A cool off would be nice too, though.
“Definitely,” she answered. “But first I need sunscreen. I hate sunburns.” Tess got the sunscreen out of the beach bag while Lena stripped out of her tank top and shorts. Yep, she definitely looked hot in her swimsuit. I hoped she didn’t notice me staring…but then again, she probably expected me to.
“Can you do my back?” she asked after she had put on sunscreen everywhere else.
“Sure,” I said. I looked over at Johnny and I caught him winking at me as I rubbed the lotion onto her skin. I just rolled my eyes at him.
After everyone was done applying sunscreen, we went for the water. As usual, it felt really cold at first, but I knew I would get used to it.
“Come on!” Johnny yelled as he bounded into the water. He had the right idea. The way I saw it, it was best to just go all the way in and get used to temperature right away. The girls seemed to think otherwise.
“It’s cold,” Lena whined, barely putting her toes in the water. I scooped her up in my arms bridal style and carried her into Lake Michigan before she could complain any more.
“I’m going to put you down now, okay?” I asked when I decided I had gone out far enough.
“I guess,” she decided, although I wasn’t very convinced by her answer. I put her down anyways and she cringed at the impact the cool lake water had on her skin.
“It isn’t that bad, you’ll get used to it,” I assured her. She had goose bumps for a couple minutes, but it didn’t take long for her to get comfortable.
After a few minutes Jonathan grabbed the beach ball he had brought along and we all played with it for a while, counting our hitting streaks as we went. We got up to twenty at one point, until Tazer missed. He made a diving effort, though.
We took a break from the water after getting to twenty and we returned to our towels. We had drinks and chips and then the girls decided to tan for a while. Johnny and I laid out for just a few minutes before we got bored and decided to get back in the water.
“It’s five months today,” I told him when we were far enough away from Tess and Lena.
“Really? Already?”

The Hockey Life - A Patrick Kane Fanfic
FanfictionTwenty two year old Lena Stratton loves hockey. It has been a huge part of her life ever since she was born. As a dedicated hockey player and Blackhawks fan, she is extremely excited when she finds out that she has been chosen for an internship with...