I couldn’t wait to tell anyone about the Boston trip for game six - I was so excited. Naturally, I contacted everyone that night when I got home. I told Tess, who freaked out in excitement. I called my parents, who were both happy that I invited them to go. I Skyped with Brian, who shouted at me through the webcam - in a good way, of course. I even told my hockey girls. They were sad that Tess and I wouldn’t be able to make it to another away game watch party, but they were pumped for us at the same time. All in all, everyone was positive.
Tess and I almost jumped out of our skin waiting to go to Boston. Time passed so slowly, but a couple days later, we were able to get excited.
Tess, Brian, my parents and I had decided to travel with the team, so we had to leave for Boston on the morning of game six. It was so strange to be traveling with the team, but I loved it. I wasn’t sitting with the players, but it was nice to know that Patrick was nearby. And besides, my group and I got to sit with Dylan and his parents plus Zack and Andy. Apparently Dylan was an only child, which I never knew.
Obviously we had some free time when we got to Boston. We got settled in our hotel, and I was pleased to find out that my room was on the same floor as Patrick’s. After we put our stuff down and got comfortable, we decided to hang out in the city for a while until we had to go to the game.
My parents, Tess and I ended up shopping in the city. We all bought a few things, but not too much. We didn’t want to have to bring a ton of extra things home. I did manage to grab a Boston t-shirt though. Not a Bruins shirt or anything, just a souvenir type of thing. Tess got a matching one in a different color.
After a few hours, we all got changed into our hockey gear: me in my Kane jersey, Tess in her Toews jersey, Brian in his Sharp jersey, my dad in his Keith jersey, and my mom in her Hjalmarsson jersey. My mom never necessarily wanted a jersey. I remembered going to the Blackhawks store together as a family and she had just picked out a shirt with the Indianhead on the front. My dad told her that wasn’t good enough and he made her pick a player that she liked. She decided she was a Hjalmarsson fan so my dad bought her his jersey. She pretended to be unenthused since she wasn’t supposed to like hockey that much, but I could tell she liked it when she wore it.
Once we were ready we headed over to the TD Garden early, so I was able to tell Patrick good luck. In fact, my whole family was able to go in the locker room to say hello to the team. My dad was really excited about it, although he would have rather been in the Hawks locker room at the UC. He was able to meet the team, though, and that was really all he could ask for.
“Do you think you guys are going to win it all tonight?” I asked Patrick once my family and Tess had spread out to talk to players.
“I don’t know. It’s hard to say. I sure hope so, though,” he said.
“Alright, fair enough. How about the game winning goal, though? Who’s going to get it?”
“It probably won’t be me this time,” he laughed. I knew he was probably right, but I secretly hoped he wasn’t.
After a few minutes, we had to leave the locker room, so I wished Patrick good luck and kissed him before I headed out.
“Do you maybe want to stop sucking face with your boyfriend so he can play in an hour?” Brian nagged me, with a smirk on his face.
“We were not sucking face and besides, I’m twenty-two years old. I’m pretty sure we COULD suck face if we really wanted to,” I told him.
“Nothing makes it more obvious that you two are brother and sister than your bickering,” Tess mumbled.

The Hockey Life - A Patrick Kane Fanfic
FanfictionTwenty two year old Lena Stratton loves hockey. It has been a huge part of her life ever since she was born. As a dedicated hockey player and Blackhawks fan, she is extremely excited when she finds out that she has been chosen for an internship with...