“Tess,” I said, grabbing her attention. “I was chosen for the internship.” She gave me the funniest look that made me think she almost believed me but she needed confirmation before she could process it.
“No way. Show me!” she demanded, and I motioned for her to come over to my computer. I showed her the email and the corners of her mouth turned up into a grin.
“Oh my god, Lean! You got a freaking internship with the Blackhawks!” she announced, as if I didn’t already know.
“I know, Tess, I know!” We looked at each other and we just freaked out. We let out screams of excitement. Tess seemed to be just as happy for me as I was for myself. I couldn’t even believe it. In a few days, when winter break started, I would be going to the United Center every day to learn the ropes and see what it’s like to work for the Hawks. I had never been so excited for anything in my life.
“So, what exactly does this mean? When do you start, how long is it?”
“Well, it’s a winter break internship, and it’ll start on our first day of break. I’ll get Christmas off, of course, but other than that, I’ll be pretty busy. Since break is only a couple weeks long, they usually try to schedule days outside of break too, but that’s usually only with the really dedicated, good interns.” I explained all the information I knew to her and neither of us could stop smiling. Then it hit me. I had to call my dad and Brian. They would be so excited for me. It was getting late, though, and I knew my dad was most likely asleep already, so I opted to wait until the next day to give him the news and I called Brian on Skype, knowing he would answer. I was right.
“Hey sis, how’s college life treating you these days?” Brian greeted me. How convenient, he was wearing a Hawks hoodie.
“Hey Bri, it’s been a little crazy. My finals start tomorrow,” I told him, and he laughed.
“Oh yeah, finals are the best!” he said sarcastically. He was two years older than me, so lucky for him, he was already done with college. I was jealous of him because of that.
“Just be glad you don’t have to take them anymore. I can assure you that they still suck. But something did happen to me today that has made things a little bit better.”
“Oh really? And what would that be?” Brian raised his eyebrows at me, trying to make the very important announcement I was about to make, so much less serious.
“Well, you know that internship I applied for? You know, the one that matches your sweatshirt?” He glanced down to remember what team he was supporting and smiled.
“You got it?” he asked. I was still too excited, and for a moment I thought I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded. “Holy shit, Lena! Congratulations! That’s amazing!”
“I know, I know. I took a picture of the email because I couldn’t even believe it. I’ll send it to you if you want, if you don’t believe me,” I told him, realizing I could talk again.
“I don’t need a picture for proof little sister, I know you better than most and you would never be able to pull the prank off if you were lying to me. You’re a terrible actor,” Brian said, noticing that I was genuinely happy about all of it. As harsh as his comment was, he was right. I couldn’t act or lie.
“So, are you jealous that soon I’ll get to hang out at the United Center every day and you won’t?” I asked, being a bratty little sister.
“You know what, I won’t even deny it. I am a little jealous. But, I mean, I get to hang out at our rink every day with seven year olds, so. I think you’re the one in this situation who should be jealous,” Brian snickered. He was a teacher, which was awesome, because he was a really fun, hilarious guy. He taught elementary school and he coached a younger hockey team on the side, which was perfect for him. To be honest, I was a little jealous of him sometimes. The kids were so cute, and our old rink brought back a lot of memories from when I first started playing hockey when we were growing up.

The Hockey Life - A Patrick Kane Fanfic
FanficTwenty two year old Lena Stratton loves hockey. It has been a huge part of her life ever since she was born. As a dedicated hockey player and Blackhawks fan, she is extremely excited when she finds out that she has been chosen for an internship with...