It didn’t take long for Tess to find me and wish me a Happy New Year. When Patrick noticed her, he dispersed into the blob of his teammates on the opposite side of the apartment. Tess could tell that something had just gone down by the expression on my face.
“Did you guys just…?”
“Finally! Congrats, girl!” Tess exclaimed.
“Finally? Tess, we’ve only known each other for two weeks!” I reminded her.
“Yeah, but he’s super into you. He has been for…I don’t know…about two weeks. Jonathan told me,” she explained.
“Really?” I asked, a little surprised.
“Yeah, apparently he’s pretty serious about you too. Like, he wants to get a relationship out of this whole thing you guys have got going.” Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.
“Why didn’t you tell me that before?” I wondered.
“I just found out a few minutes ago. I didn’t have time to tell you!”
“Oh. Well, what about you and Jonathan? I saw you guys together during the countdown.”
“Yeah, he kissed me.” Tess said it so nonchalantly, as if it was nothing.
“For real?” I asked.
“Yes, for real! THE Jonathan Toews kissed me!” Her inner fan girl finally came out. “But, I can’t get too excited. I doubt that he wants a relationship,” she added, sounding a little disappointed.
“Don’t say that, you don’t know if that’s true or not! Maybe I can get some information out of Kaner for you,” I told her.
“You’re right. Good idea. But for right now, let’s not worry about it. It’s a new year, let’s party!”
We did just that. I made my rounds, getting some time in with everyone until it was close to 1:30 am. By then, Tess and I decided it was time to leave. Even though it was technically a holiday, we had afternoon classes later. We had to get at least a little sleep before it was time to get back into schoolwork.
“Well, I’m leaving. I have a class later,” I told Patrick. He was the last person I had to say goodbye to.
“Ouch, that’s rough.”
“I know. I’m going to attempt to get some sleep. Well, I’ll see you later,” I said, hugging him.
“Hey, before you go…would you…” was he nervous? He had trouble speaking for a moment. “Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?”
“I’d love to,” I confessed. Tess was right. He really did seem to be looking for an eventual relationship.
“Great! Well, you better get some sleep. We’ll figure out a day tonight, since we both have schedules to plan around,” he decided.
“Okay, bye.”
When Tess and I got home, I took off my makeup, changed, and went to bed. I was really looking forward to sleeping, but it took me a few hours to actually fall asleep. All I could do was think about the kiss, the potential date, and the relationship that Patrick and I could possibly have.
Later, my class went by so slowly. I had a headache throughout the whole thing and no medicine with me. When it was over I went straight home, took an Aspirin, and plopped down on the couch to snuggle a blanket and watch Netflix. It was going to be a lazy day for the remainder of the time that I was awake.

The Hockey Life - A Patrick Kane Fanfic
FanfictionTwenty two year old Lena Stratton loves hockey. It has been a huge part of her life ever since she was born. As a dedicated hockey player and Blackhawks fan, she is extremely excited when she finds out that she has been chosen for an internship with...