The next day was the fifth game against the Kings. The pressure was on, since the Hawks only needed one win and they would advance to the Stanley Cup Final.
Luckily it was a home game, so I was able to go to it. Tess came with, as usual. The UC seemed to be louder than normal with excitement, but that was to be expected. It was an exciting game.
As it turned out the game went to double overtime, which was something I had never experienced before. It was crazy. Normal overtime usually made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack, but this was much worse. It wasn’t boring, not at all. Both teams had plenty of chances and close calls. I wondered why us fans didn’t all just stay on our feet to watch, because everyone was either on the edge of their seats or standing up for most of it. In the end, the double overtime paid off, luckily, because the Hawks won the game finally. They were officially advancing to the Stanley Cup Final against the Boston Bruins. They had a chance to win the Stanley Cup again.
The locker room was still buzzing with excitement even by the time Tess and I got there. I could tell the team was really looking forward to the Final. I was psyched for them. For some of the players, it would be their second Stanley Cup Final with the Hawks in four years, and that was an amazing accomplishment. For others, it was only their first but it was equally as exciting to know they had gotten so far. I liked to think that the Hawks would win again. At the time, they had a talent level that was pretty equal to the Bruins. Of course, I always said the Hawks were better, but that was coming from my biased mind. I knew it would be an interesting match up, especially for Patrick.
“How fun is it going to be to play against Segs?” I asked Pat. I knew that he had played on a team with “Segs”, AKA Tyler Seguin, during the lockout. They had actually become friends because of that experience, and although they weren’t best friends, they still often talked.
“I don’t know. It’ll definitely be interesting,” he decided. It hit me that they might not be very friendly to each other during the next few games, just because it was so crucial to win for both of them and their teams. In the end, one of them would be a champion and the other would not. One would go off and celebrate while the other would sulk. That could potentially be a temporary hard hit on their friendship that I didn’t want to watch happen, so I pushed the thought aside.
“Do you want to meet him?” Patrick wondered. I didn’t really know hockey players other than the guys on the Hawks, but it wouldn’t hurt to branch out a little.
“Who, Sequin? Sure,” I said. I smiled but Patrick just shook his head. Sequin was my nickname for Tyler. I couldn’t help myself, it was just too easy! Just change one letter and his name turned into something sparkly and girly…I was sure he had been called Sequin before at some point in his life, though. He was probably used to it.
“Seguin and I will probably hang out sometime really soon, before our first game against each other,” he told me, and he put extra emphasis on the correctly pronounced last name. “Would you want to hang out with us?”
“Yeah, that sounds fun,” I said. I was a little wary about meeting him, because of his party boy reputation. Then I realized that Patrick had that same reputation and he seemed to act perfectly mature since I had met him. I wasn’t about to be hypocritical. I decided to be completely non-judgmental when I met Sequin. That wouldn’t stop me from calling him that, though.
“Alright, I’ll be back later. I’m going to Patrick’s,” I announced a couple days later. Patrick had texted me to let me know that Tyler had arrived in Chicago and he had free time so he was with him.

The Hockey Life - A Patrick Kane Fanfic
FanfictionTwenty two year old Lena Stratton loves hockey. It has been a huge part of her life ever since she was born. As a dedicated hockey player and Blackhawks fan, she is extremely excited when she finds out that she has been chosen for an internship with...