Part Ten - Christmas

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When I got back to the apartment to pack my bag last-minute for my parents’ house, Tess was still there. I was so glad she hadn’t left yet. My mind was still blown by what had just happened to me. I explained it all to her and showed her the puck with Patrick Kane’s phone number written on it.

“Two guys’ phone numbers in two days. Damn Lean, you’re on fire lately!” she exclaimed.

“Oh yeah, I guess I did just get Dylan’s number yesterday. Geez, I’ve never been this popular before. What’s so great about me now?” I asked.

“I don’t know, Lean. I definitely don’t see the appeal,” Tess said, setting her already packed bag down by the door.

“Maybe that’s because you’re a girl that couldn’t possibly be more straight,” I said.

“True that. Well, I think I’m gonna head out, the fam is waiting for me to get home. I’ll see you tomorrow night. Tell me as soon as you talk to your Blackhawk boy toy,” she decided.

“Alright, bye,” I said. I went into my room and stuffed some clothes and necessities into a bag as well as my much needed electronics. When my bag was packed, I took it along with my hockey bag and put them both in my car. I grabbed all my gifts for my family and Tess and the wrapping paper, ribbons, and boxes I needed to put them in. Talk about last minute gift-wrapping; I would have to wrap them when I got to my parents’ house.

Before I left, I took the phone number puck out of my hockey bag and just held it for a moment, wondering if I should call or text Patrick. I finally decided to shoot him a text. If he answered, I could reply after I was done driving and I wouldn’t seem too desperate. When I put the number in my phone and created a new message, I realized I had no idea what to say. I didn’t want to waste any more time, so I finally typed something out without thinking much about it and I hit send.

<Hey J You’re such a liar, my puck was in my bag! I think I like the one you gave me better, tho.

After I sent it I started to stress. Did that sound dumb? Cheesy? Maybe it was too desperate or flirty. I couldn’t take it back anymore, though, so I put down my phone and drove.

When I got home, I was greeted by Puck first, once again. I settled in and told my parents and brother everything that had happened to me since I had been there last. They told me that they watched the game Dylan and I worked at and they all seemed to be really happy for me. Jealous too.

“Will you take me with next time?” Brian asked with sad eyes.

“I hate to break it to you bro, but puppy dog eyes only work on me if they belong to Puck,” I said, walking into my room. I began to close my door behind me when Brian grabbed it.

“First you turn me down and then you shut the door on me? Rude!” he complained.

“Sorry, I just thought that you might appreciate it if I actually wrapped your present,” I told him. When he finally understood the situation, he left me alone. I locked the door, afraid that someone would invite themselves in and see their present early. After I had finally finished wrapping everything, I went downstairs and put the gifts under the tree. I stood back and enjoyed the view. The tree looked beautiful, especially with the impressively wrapped boxes underneath it. Of course, the ones I wrapped looked extremely average compared to the ones my mom did. She was a really crafty person, and she excelled at things like gift wrapping. She could have easily had people pay her to do their presents. I would pay for it if she wasn’t my mom.

With nothing left to do, I sat down on the living room couch next to Puck and I checked my phone. I had one new text message. It was from Patrick.

>I hoped you would haha. So what are you up to?

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