Chapter 10

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"You can sweet talk me all you want, suga, but I see what I see and I know what I know. With me you'll always feel important. With him you'll always feel like a second stringer."

Who did this kid think he was? He just met Collin and knew absolutely nothing about what Collin and I had...before I ever even knew Kenney existed.

"What a hater!" I laughed and gave him a friendly nudge.

Kenney laughed, too. "I'm just sayin'." He shrugged. "Mark my words. You'll end up with him first." Then he gave me a devilish grin. "But I'll be your forever and last, Tashi. Bet."

"Anyway..." I copped a fake attitude and started walking towards the door.

He followed me. "Bet. Word is bond, son. Na-mean ked?"

I turned around and scrunched up my nose at him. "Uh-uh! That's New York. People do not talk like that in Baltimore."

"Yes y'all do talk like that up top...son" he chuckled, knowing that I hated when he tried to sound like he was from up north. "I been to Baltimore, son. And that's how you's guys talk, son."

"Shut up," I laughed. "You always think you know everything!"

"I do know...more than you think, darlin'." He looked over at me. "You'll learn." He gave my shoulders a squeeze. "Stick wit' me kid. One day, you'll learn..."

                                                                                 CHAPTER 10                                          

I was sitting by the waterfront a few weeks later when I saw Collin walking towards me in the distance.

Here we go, I thought. Maybe if I sit really still he won't see me and will keep right on stepping.

Of course, that didn't work. I should have known that he would walk right up on me. That's just the kind of guy he was.


"Hey." I looked up at him and squinted at the sunlight bouncing off of the water behind him. What did he want? This was the one place in all of Hampton where I could be submerged in total peace and here comes this fool messing it up for everyone.

"It's nice out here." He looked over the water reflectively and sat down beside me. "So..."

"So..." Did I ask you to sit down?

I wanted to say that so bad but didn't. Instead I looked back out over the water, wishing that I could make a swim for it.

"Well," he turned to me and put his hand lightly on my wrist. When I looked over at him, he quickly pulled it back. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

A faint smile flickered over my lips, but I still didn't change my expression. "Sorry for what?"

"You know, that whole bracelet thing."

"That whole bracelet thing?" I asked, like that was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard. "Collin..." I turned to him with a chuckle. "I've moved on."

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